As her drift from Baba accelerated it became a puzzle to the
rest of the Baba world. But Baba, tender as always, arranged
that a group of us send her financial aid as her poor health
continued. She travelled from the East to the West Coast
several times and also went to France. Marguerite Poley, her
friend of many years, reminisces:
"I met Jean Adriel in September, 1947. I had driven
a mutual friend to Meher Mount in upper Ojai,
California. This friend of mine purchased the recently
published Avatar. Subsequently it was loaned to
me and it revealed to me who Baba is. Through
correspondence I became more and more acquainted
with Jean, also seeing her quite often and driving
her about when she resided at the Highland Hotel
in Hollywood. I found Jean regal-looking, strong-willed,
witty, endowed with a great sense of humor, and
not in the best of health."
"I particularly enjoyed driving her to Meher Mount
on several occasions as I would hear all those
Baba stories, some quite awesome as to how
a Master works. Naturally humorous ones too. Then
Jean went to India in 1948 in seventh heaven to be
reunited with the Beloved. Back she was at the
Highland Hotel in December of that year. During all
of July, 1949 a group of us stayed at Meher Mount to
observe silence as Baba had prescribed, Jean and
Agnes Baron, presiding. We all kept quite busy with
various tasks. The daily highlight happened in the
lovely evening when we gathered to meditate at the
end of which Jean would play a beautiful rendition of
the "Song of India". I assure you, this was very stirring.
"It was when Jean decided to go back East that she
asked me to purchase name lists in order to sell her
book, which I did for some time and also was in
charge of collecting monies for her support monthly.
As no doubt you know, Jean drifted away from Baba
and as you also know Baba had said all happens by
His will. Not only that, He also declared that even
those who were against Him were serving his cause.
When Jean told me in the early 50's that she was
leaving Baba it came as a great shock. First she said
no true Master would declare 'I am the Highest of the
High'. Where is the humility a Master should
command?! She also confided she was hurt because
Baba had not chosen her for the role Mehera holds. I
know this has happened to others, but it grieved me.
How could she refute Baba? Now that I am older and
a little bit wiser, thank you, it would not hurt as it did
"Now Jean did a lot of travelling from the U.S. and
Europe, back and forth, England, France. In the
meanwhile we kept in touch. Jean and I had a visit
at her apartment near Western and Hollywood
Boulevard. She had composed some songs in
regards to her inner "twin soul" and accompanied
herself with the autoharp. She had a melodious
voice. We had tea, and just as I was leaving I
mentioned that perhaps I would go to Myrtle Beach,
South Carolina for the upcoming Sahavas with
Baba, upon which she said to me "What for?" This
incident took place in the Spring of 1958. I left, once
more heavy-hearted for Jean. My Baba got me over
it. I had to learn to leave things be. Jean had moved
when I returned from Myrtle Beach. To obtain the
new address I contacted her friend Evelyn Blackshaw.
In replying Evelyn said Jean no longer wished any
contacts with Baba people, so I just hunched my
shoulders and felt, So be it."
"There is now a lapse of 17 years 'til seeing Jean
again. This was in 1975 after she suffered some
strokes. To my knowledge, and since 1975, Jean
has moved 19 times, including the various hospital
stays. In spite of brain damage, Jean can astonish
one with glorious lucid moments in which she
seems to dwell in another realm. The reverse can
also happen. Her eyes sparkle at mention of Baba,
for yes, Jean has reaccepted Baba. Surely visits
from Baba lovers have made impact in heart-to-heart
contacts. In passing I mention Liam Mullen, because
Jean was very impressed with the way he speaks
about the Beloved and she listened to him more
than anyone else.
"Jean was 90 years old September 21, 1982 (sic).
She is now in a convalescent hospital in the Valley.
"The foregoing is but a scratch on the surface. What
an incarnation, Jean's, what a way to go! In conclusion,
and as I reflect back, I am grateful for the contacts
with Jean Adriel. I thank Baba and Jean too for these
insights in Baba's cosmic circus."
In 1952 Jean came to New York to see Baba. I was present in
the room. I am not sure, but I think that was the last time she
physically saw Baba. When I moved to California in 1960 I was
invited by a small "New Age" group to give a talk on Baba.
Imagine my surprise to find Jean Adriel on the program! She
sang her "celestial" songs and played the autoharp. But she
walked out when I showed a Baba film. I felt very sad. Outside
the hall she had a book table for Soaring Sunward, a novel
which is a thinly veiled autobiography. When I approached her
she greeted me with her usual charm and said to give Meher
Baba her love when I wrote Him. I did so at once. She also
wrote Him a letter saying she loved Him but could not accept
Him as Avatar. Baba sent me a copy of the letter and a cable
for her:
I think that says it all. Of course, no one "leaves" Baba. Where
can you go? The whole world is Baba only, clouds can
temporarily cover the Sun, the clouds of our own sanskaras,
and sometimes their thickness is uncontrollable. In telling
Jean's story there is a happy ending. This most frail of the
early women disciples is still alive at 90 (sic), and has turned
again to Baba. Her sunny inner awareness of His love and
divinity breaks through in an amazing way and touches the
hearts of those who visit her. Her book still draws new lovers
to Baba.