Symbols of the world's religions


The Master's Glossary

Edition One

Frank Davis


East-West Gathering: A large darshan program for Meher Baba’s lovers from both the East and the West held at Guruprasad in Poona, in November, 1962. (I)

Edward the VIII: Edward the VIII (1894–1972) was king of England in 1936. He was extremely popular until his announced intention of marrying Wallis Warfield Simpson, an American lady suing her second husband for divorce, precipitated a government crisis. A world war was approaching and Edward felt he could not govern effectively without the woman he loved at his side. Edward insisted he had the right to marry the woman of his choice. The government saw in his challenge a threat to constitutional procedure and forced his abdication in 1936. As duke of Windsor, he married Wallis Warfield in 1937. He was governor of the Bahamas from 1940 to 1945, and they remained together until his death. (Ka 2180 )

ego-mind: The seat of individuality (i.e., the individualized soul) that experiences the impressions through the gross, subtle, and mental bodies. (1b)

Ekadashi: The eleventh day of every fortnight, according to the Hindu almanac; considered an auspicious day. (I)

The eleventh day of each fortnight on the Hindu calendar. (N7)

Elahi: The one God; related to the Hebrew Elohim (God). -Arabic, Persian. (1b)

(Hebrew: Elohim) The One God. (Du)(Gr)(L)(N5)

elevation: Levitation as a result of psychic powers. (C)

Ellora: An area containing 34 caves carved entirely from stone. Dating back to the 6th through 13th centuries, these caves are a good example of Hindu, Buddhist, and Jain architecture and sculpture. The huge Kailash cave (mentioned in Francis Brabazan’s Stay with God) measures 50 by 33 by 33 meters. Buddhist cave number 10 contains a beautiful large statue of Buddha. Meher Baba visited the Ellora caves many times. (A location within Maharashtra State. -Ed.) (EBF)

Emancipation: See under: Freedom. (1b)

enchantment: See: hairat. (1b)

enlightenment: See: Illumination. (1b)

eunuch: After evolving through millions and millions of forms from stone to ape, the first human form comes into being as a eunuch. The eunuch has no sexual desires; however, due to the overwhelming collection of animal sanskaras, instict takes over the mind and causes the human form to become sexual. The human form is the perfect form for realizing God and, in its pristine first form, it could realize God. However the human being, in its first birth usually does not achieve Realization due to the propelling force of the animal sanskaras. The first human form, as a eunuch, does not have any sexuality and thus has no sexual contact with its opposite sex; but after the sexual urge arises as a byproduct of the animal sanskaras, it does cohabit in its successive births. Refer to the first human form as a eunuch in The Nothing and the Everything, page 49. (Ka 1978 )

See also sexuality. –Ed.

Everything, the: God the Infinite. The Everything, being everything, includes the Nothing. (1a)

God, the Infinite; the Everything, being infinite, includes the Nothing. (1b)

evolution: Darwin Shaw also had a chance to wheel Baba around on this Zoo trip. At one point we entered the Penguin House. I was ahead of Baba and facing Him. At the top of the rock, in the penguin pool, a large handsome penguin was poised in his Grover Whelan tux. The moment Baba entered, he "bowed," dove into the pool, and came up against the glass, waving his flippers at Baba, so it seemed. I know Dar tells it differently. Anyway Baba's eyes twinkled, and He made His "circle" gesture of approval. Don't forget, Baba had said the penguin is the "barzac" or last bird form, also the most intelligent of all birds. (FF; From "Memories of '52, Volume XIV, No. 2, Page 19)

Ezad (also Yazad): The one God, the only one worthy of worship. -Avestan. (1b)

Literally, worthy of worship. One of the Zoroastrian 101 names of the One God. -Zoroastrian (Avestan). (Du)

Worthy of worship. One of the Zoroastrian 101 names of the One God. (L)

The One worthy of worship. (Gr)(N5)


fakir (also faqir): A Sufi monk traveling from place to place, subsisting on alms. (A)

One who chooses the life of poverty in devotion to God; an itinerant monk. (Da)(I)

One who lives the life of a fakiri. -Arabic. (Du)

One who lives the life of poverty, in the spiritual sense. A mendicant. (N2)

fakiri (also faqiri, faqr): Poverty, in the spiritual sense. The freedom that comes from not being bound by desire for material things. -Arabic. (Du)

Fallenfluh: (meaning Falling Rock. Switzerland.) Fallenfluh in 1934 was a wild virgin forest, accessible only by narrow mountain roads, dispersed by cow gates that had to be opened and closed to pass. Now it has become a scenic area with benches, a fence and a new road leading marked by signs. The area was opened by the great storm of 1982, when thousands of trees were broken and transformed the thick wilderness into a sunny, airy place full of wildflowers and berries. (Ka 1888 )

Family Quarters: The name given to accommodations used by various members of Meher Baba’s mandali and their families from the mid 1920s; it was located near Meherabad on the outskirts of Arangaon, at the site of what is now the "Meher Health Centre." (I)

fana: (plural: -s.) Annihilation, dissolution; the annihilation of some aspect of the false self (ego), which precedes entering each plane of conciousness. -Sufi. (1b)

fana-baqa: May refer to one of three types of annihilation-abiding experiences between which parallels may be drawn: 1) the going to sleep, and reawakening each day of the ordinary human, 2) the annihilation (fana) of some aspect of the false self which precedes entering each plane of the Path, and living the life (baqa) in that plane, and 3) the real fana-fillah of the Majzoob-e-Kamil, and baqa-billah of the Jivanmukta and Sadguru. -Sufi (1a)

fana-e-batili: Annihilation of the false; the merging into the second plane of conciousness. -Sufi. (1b)

fana-e-jabruti: Annihilation of all desires; the merging into the fifth plane of conciousness. -Sufi. (1b)

fana-e-mahabubi: Annihilation of the self (lover) in the Beloved (God); the merging into the sixth plane of conciousness. -Sufi. (1b)

fana-e-malakuti: Annihilation leading toward freedom; the merging into the fourth plane of conciousness. -Sufi. (1b)

fana-e-zahiri (also fana-e-zaheri): Annihilation of the apparent; the merging into the third plane of conciousness where one experiences videh samadhi, or the state of divine coma. -Sufi. (1b)

Fana-Fillah: The "I am God" state of the Perfect One. -Sufi. Vedanta: Nirvikalpa Samadhi. (1a)

The "I am God" state of the Perfect Ones; final annihilation of the false self in God; the final merging into the seventh plane of conciousness. See also: Realization. -Sufi. Vedanta: Nirvikalpa state. (1b)

Literally, annihilation in God. The "I am God" state of the Perfect One. God-realization. -Arabic. (Du)

The "I am God" state of the Perfect One. (N4) ...of the realized Ones. (N6)

See also Nirvan. –Ed.

Fana, final: Annihilation of the Mind (self). -Sufi. Vedanta: manonash (nirvana). (1a)

See under: Nirvana. (1b)

Annihilation, the final fana is the annihilation of the Mind (self) and liberation from the cycle of births and deaths. -Arabic. (Du)

fana-fi-Rasool: Literally, annihilation in the Avatar. A rare form of God-realization, wherein the Avatar bestows this grace on a gross-conscious human being. -Arabic. (Du)

fana-fi-sheikh: Literally, annihilation in the spiritual guide. Becoming one with the consciousness of the Qutub, q.v. -Arabic. (Du)

fana-ma-al-baqa: The ninth state of God at the Divine Junction. -Sufi. Vedanta: turiya avastha. (1a)

fana-ul-fana: The state of God becoming man (direct descent of God on earth as Avatar). -Sufi. (1a)

Fanakar: The Destroyer. -Sufi. Vedanta: Shiva, Mahesh. (1a)

faqiri: Literally, poverty. The life of a dervish. Also: The highest spiritual manifestation. Perfection. -Sufi. (1a)

faqr: = faqiri. -Sufi. (1a)

Farmer’s Educational Centre: An agricultural project aimed at improving dry-land farming. (part of Lower Meherabad, Ahmednagar, India. -Ed.) (EBF)

farq: Conscious separateness from God. -Sufi. (1a)

farq-ba-dul-jam: = baqa-billah, q.v. -Sufi. (1a)

Fateha: A prayer composed of the opening lines of the Koran. (N4)

Father, Son and Holy Ghost: For an explaination of the states of God - Father, Son and Holy Ghost – refer to The Nothing and The Everything, pages 139–143. (Ka 2183 )

fellaheen: A racial type in modern* Egypt descended from ancient Egyptians. Also the peasant class. -Arabic. (Du) (* at this authors writing. -Ed.)

final fana: See: fana. -Ed.

finca: Country property, farm, ranch. -Spanish. (Du)

finger sticks: US "french fries" or British "chips". (EBF)

Firdosi: Firdosi was a Persian poet whose great epic Shahnama relates the history of Persia. (Ka 2310 )

Fort, Garrett: This letter to Garrett Fort was written from Cannes, Ocober 3, 1937. (Ka 2141 )

Francis, Saint: (1181 or 2-1226): of Assisi, Italy. (1b) (and acknowledged as a Perfect Master. -Ed.)

Franco, General Francisco: The Spanish Revolution was led by General Francisco Franco (1892–1975) in 1936. As army chief of staff, Franco joined the Nationalist rebellion against the republic and invaded Spain from Morocco. He became head of the rebel government in 1936 and, in 1937, dissolved all parties except the fascist Falange party which he headed. With German and Italian support, he won the Spanish Civil War in 1939 and dealt ruthlessly with his Loyalist opponents which caused people to flee Spain and end up political refugees throughout Europe. (Ka 2211 )

Frederick, Phyllis (Filis): Born in New York City, May 31, 1915. Education: Abbot Academy, Andover, Massachusetts; spent two years at Cornell University, and two years at Radcliffe College where she majored in fine arts. Her minor was philosophy, and she made a special study of the philosophies of Alfred N. Whitehead and Carl Jung. At an early age she displayed great psychic awareness; this talent caused her to seek understanding through the philosophy of the East. She was impressed by Ramakrishna’s saying: "Seek the feet of the living Master." During her quest she met Princess Matchabelli and Mrs. Elizabeth Patterson and helped them to prepare the Center at Myrtle Beach for Meher Baba’s visit in 1952, where she met the Master on May 10.

It was during this sahavas that Meher Baba gave Phyllis (whose name He spelled "Filis" on His board) the authority to publish a quarterly magazine to be called The Awakener, which was to be devoted completely to His life and message. She has managed to keep this project going, almost single-handily, all these years, despite endless obstacles, and has filled the pages with rare and beautiful pearls from the Master’s treasure house.

After an early career in fashion design, copy writing and editorial work for Vogue, Harper’s Bazaar and McCall’s magazines, she worked in the toy business at Mattel and Transogram. Now * (* at this authors writing. -Ed.) she is free-lancing in toy and game designs. (Du)

Freedom: The release from the bondage of births and deaths (reincarnation); Emancipation. See also: Liberation; Mukti. (1b)

Al-Futuhat-al-Makkiyya: See: Ibn Arabi. -Sufi. (1a)


Gadekar: Gunatai was Gadekar’s second wife. Gadekar’s first wife had died at Meherabad when he was serving as a teacher in Baba’s boy school in 1927–28. (Ka 2443 )

gadi: A seat or throne. -Hindi. (Du)(L)

Literally, "mattress"; it refers to a sofa-type lounge seat used by Meher Baba. (I)

Literally, mattress. A seat or throne. (N4)

Ganj-e-Shakkar (also Baba Fariduddin, Baba Farid Ganje-Shakar): The well known wali who was trapped in the state of enchantment (hairat) but was finally led on to become a Perfect Master by His Master, Khwaja Muinuddin Chishti. (1b)

ganja: Cannabis; marijuana or hashish. (C)

gathas: Parsi prayers. -Zoroastrian (Avestan). (Du)

gay: See also sexuality. –Ed.

Gayley, Rano: Born Madeleine Estelle Gayley, of French ancestry, in New York City, and raised there. First heard of Meher Baba in 1933 in Paris from Ruano Bogislav and met him in England that autumn. She and her mother Nonny went to live in the ashram in India in 1934; although Nonny died at Bangalore in 1939, Rano still * (* at this authors writing. -Ed.) lives at Meherazad. She has always been a marvelous artist and is particularly well known for the chart of the Ten Circles* which she painted under Meher Baba’s supervision. It was always understood that this was to appear in His "lost" book. She also executed The Chart of Evolution, Reincarnation and Involution appearing in God Speaks, as well as The Chart of The Divine Theme. (Du)

On May 2nd, Baba had come to Nasik just to be near Rano during her acute illness. (Ka 2173 )

Rano Gayley was the only one from this group of Western women who was to remain physically near Baba in India until he dropped his body in 1969. (Ka 2231 )

*See also Circles. -Ed.

Ghaib-ul-Ghaib: The hidden of the hidden. A designation of the Beyond-Beyond state of God. -Sufi. (1a)

ghair: Literally, the other. Duality. -Sufi. (1a)

ghat: An ascending or descending mountain pass; also refers to a range of hills or mountains. (I)

ghaus: Literally, one to whom we can cry for help. A type of advanced spiritual soul. Also, one of the types of Qutub, q.v. -Arabic. (Du)

Ghausali Shah (also Ghousali Shah): A Muslim saint of northern India. (1b)

ghazal: A poetic composition, especially in Persian or Urdu, best exemplified by the poetry of the Persian Perfect Master Hafiz. (Da)(I)

A short love-poem. -Arabic. (Du)

Love song(s) usually in the Urdu Language describing the devotion of the lover to the Beloved. (Gr)

A short love-poem. An ode. A special poetic composition in Hindi, Urdu or Persian *. (N4)

*...with it’s own conventions. (Ed)

Ghazali, Iman Muhammad: Prominent Islamic theologian and writer on Sufism. Born in Tus (Khorasan) ca. 1059 A.D. Died 1111 A.D. -Sufi. (1a) (Du)

ghee: A semifluid clarified butter, made usually from buffalo milk. -Hindi. (Du)

Clarified butter, used for frying foods. (EBF)

Clarified butter. (N5)

ghous: A ghous type mast is one who dismembers his body’s arms and legs. (Ka 2475 )

ghungat: Literally, a woman’s veil. Symbolically, the veil of Ignorance. -Hindi. (1a)

A veil. (N4)

gilli-danda: An Indian outdoor game which Meher Baba occasionally played. It involves a wooden rod (danda) and a puck (gilli) which is struck by the rod. (I)

gita: Literally, song. When cap.: the Bhagavad Gita (‘Song of the Blessed One," i.e., Krishna), a section of the Hindu epic, the Mahabharata, consisting of a colloquy between Krishna and Arjuna on the eve of battle. -Sanskrit. (Du)

God-intoxicated, the: See: masrs; unmatta. (1b)

God-Man: The Christ. The Messiah. Sufi: Rasool. Vedanta: Avatar. (1a)

Avatar; the total manifestation of God in human form. The Avatar awakens contemporary humanity to a realization of its true spiritual nature, gives liberation to those who are ready, and quickens the life of the spirit in His time. (A)

the: The Incarnation of God, the Infinite in human form. The God-Man, Messiah, Avatar, Rasool, Saheb-e-Zaman. (N1)

God-realization: See: Realization. (1b)

God-realized: One who continuously experiences the "I-am-God" state of Infinite Consciousness. (I)

God state: A state of God; the state in which the soul experiences itself as God. (1b)

gopi (es): Literally, milkmaid. A woman companion of the Lord Krishna. -Sanskrit, plural is English. (Du)

The name given to the young women followers of Krishna; women mandali. (G)

A woman loving Krishna as her only Lord and Master. (N4)

Gopichanda: The great Indian king who renounced everything in pursuit of Truth. Pronounced go’pichanda (accute accent above the "o"). (1b)

Gopichanda was a Hindu king who had an overpowering experience of God and renounced his kingdom. The play depicted his pure character. (Ka 2321 )

gram: The chick-pea. Also a type of bean. (N2)

granthi: A Sikh priest who offers prayers for others. (N5)

Great Darshan: Darshan is "to be in the presence of the Master". The word "great" is appended to the time when hundreds of seekers journeyed to India in 1969 to pay homage to Meher Baba ‘after’ He had dropped His body. (AJ)

gross body (also gross form): The physical body or form, which functions in the gross sphere. Sufi: jism-e-kasif. Vedanta: sharir, sthul sharir. (1b)

gross sphere (also gross world): The world of matter; the visible and invisible worlds in creation, which can be experienced by the gross body through one’s dense, gross impressions. Sufi: alam-e-nasut. Vedant: anna bhuvan, sthul bhuvan. (1b)

Gujarati: Native language of Gujarat state, India; a language adopted by Zoroastrians as well. (I)

Gujarati Arti: On that visit to Bombay in December 1924 we stayed at Bharucha Building in Dadar, not far from Manzil-e-Meem, and it was during this visit that Baba composed the Gujarati Arti. (I, pg.73)

gul mohur: The Indian name for a species of the Poinciana tree, it is a shade tree noted for its beautiful scarlet flowers; "gul" means "rose" and "mohur" comes from the Hindi word for "peacock". (I)

Gulnar: Baba’s brother Beheram’s daughter, Gulnar, was three years old and his son, Sheroo, was four. Sheroo was named after his grandfather, Sheriar. (Ka 2403 )

Gulshan-e-Raz: The Rose Garden Mystery, a thirteenth century Sufi poem by Maulana Shabistari. -Sufi. (1a)

gulub jam: Deep fried milk balls served in syrup. (EBF)

guman: Literally, a fancy, whim. The Whim of God which caused the Creation. (N5)

guna: See: sifat. -Vedanta. (1a)

Gunatai: Gunatai was Gadekar’s second wife. Gadekar’s first wife had died at Meherabad when he was serving as a teacher in Baba’s boy school in 1927–28. (Ka 2443 )

guru: Teacher. (A)

A teacher; generally referred to a Spiritual Master. (AJ)(Da)(Gr)

A spiritual master. (L)

Literally, teacher. A spiritual preceptor or a (guide or spiritual... (N5)) Master. (N4) -Sanskrit. (Du)

Guru Granthsaheb, the (also Guru Granth Saheb): The Holy Book of the Sikhs. (N4)

gurubhakti: One-pointed devotion to the Master. (N4)

gurudwara: A Sikh place of worship. (N5)

Guruprasad: The former summer home of the Maharanee of Baroda, who frequently loaned it to Meher Baba. A memorial to Meher Baba was erected on the site in 1974. (G)

Literally, "Gift from the Guru", it is the name of the palace which the Maharani Shantadevi of Baroda gave exclusively for Meher Baba’s use in the late 1950s and 1960s; Baba used it regularly for large darshan programs and during the hot summer months of April through June. (I)

(See also: Guruprasad Memorial. -Ed.)

Guruprasad Memorial: Guruprasad, the palace of the Maharani of Baroda, was where Meher Baba often spent the summer months during the 1960s. It was the site of many darshan programs, including the 1962 East-West Gathering and the 1969 Darshan. The palace no longer stands, but a small memorial building has been constructed on the property, using original materials from Meher Baba’s bedroom. It also contains a chair on which Meher Baba sat and gave darshan. 24 Bund Gardens Road, Open daily from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm (Wednesdays from 9:00 to 11:00 am and 5:30 to 7:00 pm). (EBF)


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