Chase Studio, Washington DC

Oneness of the World

Reflections on Spiritual Life with Meher Baba

A Work in Progress by Craig Ruff

Craig Ruff is a poet and writer who has lived in Ahmednagar, India, and worked at the Avatar Meher Baba Trust Office since 1978.


In his first book, Traveling Music, Craig presented a collection of poems that created an atmosphere of intimacy of love for God as the Beloved.

His second book, The Moment Within, provides a straightforward expression of spiritual thought and inspiration for daily life.

Craig has published three other books,  Oneness In the World, Part I, Oneness In The World, Part II Oneness In The World, Part III Oneness In The World, Part IV and In His Trust

Email Craig:  <> "Craig Ian Ruff"

[Home] [In His Trust] [Oneness in the World, Part I] [Oneness In The World, Part II]