I Heard God Laughing

Rendering of Hafiz

by Daniel Ladinsky


	A day of Silence
Can be a pilgrimage in itself.

	A day of Silence
         Can help you listen
         To the Soul play
      Its marvelous lute and drum.

	Is not most talking
 A crazed defense of a crumbling fort?

	I thought we came here
	To surrender in Silence,

         To yield to Light and Happiness,

	   To Dance within
       In celebration of Love's Victory!


	    I Took It as a Sign


    Someone sent a band to my house,
	And it started playing
              At five in the morning.

	I took this as a sign
           God wanted me to sing!
	Then the moon joined in
      And a few of the tenor-voiced stars,

     And the earth offered its lovely belly
	      As a drum.

	   Before I knew it,
	        I realized
   All human beings could be happy

If they just had a few music lessons
    From a Sweet Old Maestro
	Like Hafiz
	    The Only One

	     From man's perspective
	In this intricate game of love,

        It is so easy to become confused
             And think you are the do-er.

But from God's Infinite Certainty,
	He always Knows

          That He is the only One
Who should ever be put on trial.

	    Something Invisible

	Once I asked my Master,
	"What is the difference
	Between you and me?"

	         And he replied
	         "Hafiz, only this:

	If a herd of wild buffalo
	     Broke into our house
	        And knocked over
	Our empty begging bowls,
     Not a drop would spill from yours.

    But there is Something Invisible
        That God has placed in mine.

        If That spilled from my bowl,
It could drown this whole world"

	    Keeping Watch

	In the morning
      When I began to wake,
          It happened again —

               That feeling
        That you, Beloved,
Had stood over me all night
  	Keeping watch,

 	       That feeling
That as soon as I began to stir

You put Your lips on my forehead
	And lit a Holy Lamp
	          Inside my heart.

	     Why Carry?

Why carry a whole load of books
	Upon your back
      Climbing this mountain,
	When tonight,
Just a few thoughts of God
       Will light the holy fire.

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