16 to 30 September 2007 Jai Meher Baba to you all! Sunday 16 September 2007. After working out in the morning and taking my dog, Foundy for a walk, I got busy with the quilt for my grandson. Then, my housemate, Dr. Anne, got a call saying one of our Trustees, Jagannath Keshav Rangole, had gone to Baba the night before and his body would be brought to Meherabad by 9:30 am. Rangole, as he was known, lived at the Trust Compound, next to Bhau's Office. He was a quiet, sweet man. He was Secretary of the Ahmednagar Baba Center, as well as a Trustee, and an old time Baba lover. I went around to our neighbor residents and told them, so they could attend the cremation if they wished. For the same reason, I also called residents who lived in the community. I got to Mandali Hall around 10:00 am to find no one around. I walked toward the cremation grounds and noticed that people were coming back towards Mandali Hall. It seems there was a mix-up about whether the body would go straight to the cremation ground or to old Mandali Hall, after being taken to the Samadhi. Anyway, the rugs and pillows were put in old Mandali Hall before most of the people arrived. A number of Bhajans were sung, and then Ted sang, "He walks with the King". We then went to the cremation grounds where more Bhajans were sung while people put the logs around the body. I went over to talk to Raj Kalchuri, who is married to Bhau's son, mehernath and lives at the Trust Compound. She shared the beautiful last hours of Rangole's life. Raj said on the evening of Friday 14th, Rangole began feeling great happiness. He had been ill for some time, and now he was telling everyone how he felt happy now. All day Saturday, Rangole continued telling those at the Trust about the happiness he was feeling. That evening, in the Ahmednagar Baba Center, there was a reading from 'Meher Baba's Call'-a favorite of Rangole's. He went to his room and around 8:00 pm had a mild heart attack. At the hospital, he was reminded to say Baba's name. Baba's name was the last words he was able to speak. He went to Baba around midnight—the source of his joy! Monday 17 September. I was on duty at the Retreat, arriving at 9:00 am. I had a few arrivals; otherwise the day was slow. My computer is not charging the battery. The battery worked just fine when I took it to Pune; since I picked it up there has been an 'x' in the battery icon. The Pune Mac Center told me I needed to charge it for 24 hours. I have not been able to do it without interruptions, because we are having one storm after the other. We all unplug our computers during storms. Tuesday 18 September. There was a huge storm last night, so I skipped the morning walk and just rested in my room. The past few days, I had not been feeling well, and I was extremely weak. Whatever I had has turned into a cold with coughing, etc. I used the time during the day to work on the quilt. I had called Hardeep, the one in charge of scheduling Samadhi duty, to tell him I would not be able to do my duty that evening. I went to see Dr. Anne during the evening clinic hours in our hospital which is near my room. I got some medicine from her. Just before it got dark, I remembered I had to pick flowers for the morning cleaning of Mehera's shrine. Wednesday 19 September. We had two different big storms during the day on Tuesday, with huge downpours. So, I thought it might be safe to leave my computer plugged in during the night. However, to be safe, I asked Baba to please wake me if a storm comes while I'm asleep. Sure enough, I woke in the middle of the night to thunder. I quickly unpluged my computer and went back to sleep. I was up the hill by 5:30 am to clean Mehera's shrine. I was in time for the opening of the Samadhi doors. So, I got to help again. After cleaning Mehera's shrine, I put flowers in Baba's Cabin Room and on the Ghadi. I went back down the hill to get ready for my duty at the Retreat. We had a few Iranian pilgrims arrive. It is easier for them to get visas now. I am happy for them because in the past they had so much trouble. Bhau gave his talk to the residents, volunteers, and community members in the Hall of the Meher Pilgrim Center. For the pilgrims, two films were shown in our Music and Arts Center, 'Mehera's Birthday' and 'You alone exist'. Thursday 20 September. Stayed home and worked on the quilt. Friday 21 September. I went to Pune with another resident and two pilgrims. The car picked me up at 7:30 AM. Though we left late, we did stop at the German Bakery for breakfast. One pilgrim went to a nearby Travel Agent for a ticket to the States. I went behind the German Bakery to another Travel Agent. I bought a ticket for a Shuttle Bus to take me from Pune to the International Airport in Mumbai on the 9th Oct. I have been taking this service for years. We then stopped at Delta Airlines so I could pick up my luggage which they were supposed to fix. It was a brand new red American Tourister spinner 30" I bought in the States, and used for the first time on my return to India. When I landed in Mumbai, one of the locks was broken. I took it to the Pune Delta office to fix. They had it for one month. Well, it seems that particular style is not made in India. They could not get the part to replace the broken one. They said they would compensate me and I could take it back to America and Delta would fix it there. I told them I need it now. So, they offered to send me a similar one, and I should receive it by Tuesday. Everyone went to do what they needed to do. I had the Sumo, and went to pick up a plant for our Reception Office. We met again at Dorabji's. They have a wonderful food court now and we took advantage of it and had some good chicken dishes. Saturday 22 September. I was up the hill by 5:30 AM—or rather 5:31 AM. Because, as I reached the part of the path where the Samadhi comes into view, I saw the Samadhi doors were already open. My watch said 5:25 AM—darn! The Samadhi clock in the cupboard said 5:31 AM. After cleaning Baba's Cabin Room and putting flowers on the Ghadi and Samadhi threshold, I went down the hill to clean the Jhopdi and Table House. Joseph and Mariko were there to help. On the way to the MPC, I passed by the Meherabad Trustees Office. I stopped to see what everyone was looking at outside the office. They were looking at a pretty green colored new electric rickshaw. I got a ride in it! Being electric, there just is no noise. It is wider then the older models. I asked if the Trust was thinking of buying it? Maybe, was the answer. It sure would be nice to have a sure ride from the Retreat in the evening. No one was waiting for the Tour, so I went home and changed clothes. It was very cloudy, so I took my umbrella and started to go to our Meherabad Trustees Office. I saw a herd of water-buffalo being taken on our back dirt road toward our area. I told the herder not to have them go into our compound. Then I started to walk down the path. For some unknown reason, I turned to see if the buffalo were in fact passing our compound. What I saw was the lead water buffalo coming my way. For one split second I wondered why he was coming my way. In that same split second I noticed the buffalo's eyes were locked on me! I was why he was coming my way, and he was running!!!!!! I dropped my umbrella and ran behind a big tree for safety! I turned, expecting to see the buffalo almost upon me. But, to my great relief, the herder had also seen what was happening and had already turned the buffalo away. There was a bit of chaos, the man had to chase the other buffalo in the direction he wanted them to go. I heard a big 'smack' of his stick. So, I think he gave that lead buffalo a sound hit. Later, I realized I had on a red top. Boy, the red color does indeed irritate the buffalo and bulls. Last week, a black and white cow chased Foundy and me out back during our walk. I'm pretty sure it was Foundy the cow was after. Now, this week a huge, maybe 1000 lbs or more water buffalo charges me. I think I am going to be a little cow shy for a while! At 4:30 PM, the film 'Meher Baba Avatar of the Age' was shown in our Music and Arts Center. Tea and snack was served first on the verandah at 4:00 PM. Sunday 23 September. I was up the hill by 8:00 AM to clean the Samadhi. I was happy there wasn't a line of pilgrims still there from Arti, because it allowed me to start cleaning right away. I had a car coming to pick me up at 9:15 AM to take Virginia and me to Meherazad. It takes almost an hour to clean, but I was home in time for the car. I had not been to Meherazad since the last time I took Virginia. It was so pleasant at Meherazad. I saved a seat for Virginia in Mandali Hall for the program they have every Sunday. We then went to Baba and Mehera's rooms. Then we said hello to Meheru and Katie sitting on the porch. On the way to Mandali Hall, we stopped to see Aranvaz in her room. I had not seen her in some time. She was happy to see Virginia. I told Arnavaz that Virginia would turn 91 next month. Arnavaz said she too was 90 years old. On the way home, we stopped for chocolate ice cream. Virginia had two scoops. She does love her ice cream. Monday 24 September. It was an easy day at the Retreat. Bhauji gave his talk at the MPC Hall at 4:30 PM. Tea and snack was first served at 4:00 PM. Tuesday 25 September. I worked on the quilt until I caught our bus to the Trust. I had go to the bank and to BSNL to pay my phone bill. Then I caught a rickshaw back to my place. I then rode my scooter to the Retreat for our coordination meeting of the volunteer supervisors. One of our issues was to decide where to put the bronze bust sent by Jurgis Sapkas of Los Angeles. The bust will be put on a pedestal. We had a couple of favorite places, all outside. When the final decision is made, I will be sure to let you know. When I got home, I called Delta Airlines to ask about the replacement luggage. The woman said they had sent my replacement that day, and it was actually a better one than mine, and I should have it Thursday. I had Samadhi duty at 6:00 PM. While on duty, I remembered I needed to pick flowers for the morning cleaning of Mehera's shrine. So, after my duty, with flashlight in hand, I was able to pick enough flowers. These of course I put in the refrigerator to keep fresh. Wednesday 26 September. I was up the hill by 5:15 AM. I wanted to make sure I was at the Samadhi in time to be part of the opening of the doors, and removal of the garlands and cloths. It is a thrill to my heart to be one of the first to say "Good morning Baba". After cleaning and putting flowers, I went down the hill to get ready for my day at the Retreat. It was another easy day. Thursday 27 September. I spent the day working on the quilt. Then near the evening, twice the needle broke on my sewing machine. Oh, oh! Last time that happened a part had broken on the machine. I would have to take it to the Singer repair shop in Ahmednagar in the morning. At 10:30 PM, while I am in bed, I get a phone call from a man who said he has my luggage and he is at the bus station. I told him to take it to the Trust Office in the morning. Friday 28 September. I called the Trust Office, and was told my luggage was there. I said I would be in to pick it up. When it was 9:00 AM I called the Singer repair shop owner and asked what time the shop opened. He said 10:00 AM. So, in a rickshaw, I took the sewing machine to the bazaar. Because of the heavy rain, the workers were late. So, I told the owner I would be back in thirty minutes. I went to the Trust Office and Sudam gave me my luggage. He said last night, at 11:30 PM, that deliveryman who had called me, came to the Trust Office—which was closed with the gates locked. The man kept yelling at the gate until someone let him deliver the luggage. I apologized for the trouble it caused. We opened the box to see what piece of luggage they sent me. It was nicer then the one I had bought. Mine was nice, but this was a step up in quality. We then went back to the Singer shop. The problem with my machine? I was using too small a needle for the work I was doing. I needed a heavier needle. I have sewn all my life, but only easy things. I guess I am now learning how to properly sew. Bhauji gave a talk in the MPC Hall at 4:30 PM. First, tea and donuts were served at 4:00 PM. Again throughout the day we had a big storm and very heavy rain. Saturday 29 September. I was up the hill by 5:31 AM. It took me so long to get up the hill because of the mud. After cleaning Baba's Cabin Room, I put flowers on the Ghadi, and then went down the hill to clean the Jhopdi and Table House. At 10:00 AM I went to the MPC to meet anyone who wanted to go on the Historical Tour of Meherabad. I was early, so I stopped at the Registration Office and talked with Pat. She told me she just got a call that Perviz Kelkar had just gone to Baba. Perviz is the wife of Shridhar, one of the Trustees. Perviz is also from an old Baba family. Her mother was Dina Talati, who made the first Baba seven color flag in 1924, for Baba. This flag flew at Meherabad for the first time on 23 April 1924. Perviz and Shridhar have been living here at Meherabad for years. She was so sweet and shy. I tried many times to have her allow me to video some of her stories, but she was too shy. I will miss her. There was no one for the Tour, so I spent most of the day working on the quilt. In the afternoon, Cindy Lowe and friends had a concert at the MPC Hall at 4:30 PM. First tea and snack were served at 4:00 PM. Sunday 30 September. I was up the hill by 8:00 AM. Marge wanted to do a major cleaning of the Samadhi. This is done two or three times a year. Janaki, who is also one of the Archive Samadhi cleaners, was there to help. Marge had one of the tall young male pilgrims help with the first part of the cleaning. We use lambs wool dusters that can be attached to long poles. The young man had to use the longest pole to gently wipe the inside of the dome. But, before the cleaning, we had to first use light cloth to cover the whole length of the marble and the pile of garlands. After the inside dome was finished, we three wiped all the walls twice. Then, I did my archive cleaning of the Samadhi. This was my last day, until my next turn in four months. I stopped to visit Jaloo for a few minutes. Like always, my heart is happy to be around her. I then went down the hill and stayed in my room working on the quilt. I leave for the States on the 9th Oct., so I have to finish in a few days. I want a chance to show people the quilt before I leave. This is the last Meherabad Diary until I return to India in December. In Beloved Baba's sweet love, Judy Jai Meher Baba to you all! I had mentioned in the last Meherabad Diary that my computer was at the Mac computer hospital in Pune, having surgery. I am happy to say I finally got it back on Saturday the 15th. Saturday 1 September 2007. I was up the hill by 5:30 am. When the Samadhi doors were opened, I helped remove the cloths from the day before. The temporary cloth is placed until cleaning at 6:00 am. Next, I cleaned Baba's Cabin Room; put flowers on the Ghadi and Samadhi threshold. I then went down the hill to clean the Jhopdi and Table House. I went to the MPC at 10:00 am to give the Historical Tour of Meherabad, but no one was waiting. So, I had the morning free. Sunday 2 September. I was up the hill by 8:00 am to do the archive cleaning of the Samadhi. There were pilgrims still taking Darshan from Arti, so I sat on one of the benches and waited until all were gone. It is such a pleasure to have the Samadhi to yourself. Just being in there, I constantly ask myself how it is I am so fortunate to have a turn to clean Beloved Baba's Samadhi? I am so grateful. Monday 3 September. I took Foundy for a walk before the rickshaw picked me up at 8:30 AM. It had rained a lot the night before and everything was muddy and wet. I was on duty at the Retreat. It was a slow day. Tuesday 4 September. I woke early and did my workout. Then I took Foundy for a morning walk and worked in the garden for twenty minutes. I spent the rest of the morning working on the quilt. It sure is looking cute! At lunchtime, I walked to the B.T. Café. As I was getting ready to go home, I heard a lot of hollering and honking of horns. I recognized this sound! It is usually associated with the Tonga horse races. I saw the kitchen women going out to the verandah. I also rushed out to the verandah. Sure enough, down the road I saw a lot of motorcycle headlights on, heard their horns honking, and listened to the wild yelling of the men on the motorcycles. The men are usually two or three to a bike, none wear a helmet, and they are racing together, alongside the horse Tonga. It is an unbelievably wild scene! I walked to Meherabad (three minutes away) and sat on a small wall to continue watching the horse Tonga races. At one point I thought the races were over, so I went home. Later, I heard more honking and yelling—the races were still going on. But, I was home by that time. I was more interested in reading for a few minutes before my nap. I like to read in bed before falling asleep. In the afternoon, I continued working on the quilt. Before going up the hill to the Samadhi for my 6:00 PM, I went outside to pick flowers for the morning. On the way up the hill, it began raining and the wind was blowing the rain at an angle. I was glad I took my large umbrella. When it is raining, we remove all the flowers from the women's shrines. Some of the flowers can cause a stain on the marble. We also close the outside glass windows of the Samadhi. The inner wooden doors are kept opened so you can see inside. As I was opening one of the inner wooden window shutters inside the Samadhi, I noticed the mud packing from white ants. The White ants can destroy anything wooden in no time flat. I was surprised this happened in the Samadhi, as it is cleaned daily. When one of those responsible for the care of the Samadhi arrived, I quickly showed it to him. He said it would be taken care of after Arti. Wednesday 5 September. On the way up the hill, I had to be so careful because of the mud from the heavy rain last night. I was up the hill by 5:20 AM. I wanted to be sure to be there when the Samadhi doors were opened. I really like being there at that time. When the doors are opened, we go inside and remove the garlands and extra cloths. Next, we place the temporary cloth on the marble until cleaning time. After cleaning Mehera's shrine, I put flowers in Baba's Cabin Room. I went to the Ghadi to also put flowers, but it was still being made ready for the day. I left some flowers and went back to the Samadhi. I saw Indira. Indira was the supervisor to clean the Samadhi on that morning. I asked her if Ted was informed about the white ant mud stuff. She said the ants were removed and the mud would be soon. With the Samadhi, everything needs to be carefully handled to avoid any damage. It is the treasure of the world, where God's body is resting. I went back down the hill to get ready for my day at the Retreat. I had a rickshaw pick me up at 8:30 AM. We were stuck at the railroad crossing for fifteen minutes. When I went into the Reception Office, I saw the last ficus tree in the office was just not doing well. I showed it to Jeff, our gardener. He said the office isn't getting enough light for the fichus trees. Jeff said we would need other types of indoor plants. He said he would put all our ficus trees in the Dining Hall when they are healthy again. There is a lot of light in there. My computer continued turning off on me. Cory, who is here for a number of months and helped set up our Retreat computer system, was in the Reception Office and heard me talking about the problem I was having with my computer. He became serious and said he hoped I had all my files backed up, because what would I do if I couldn't start the computer? Yikees! That put the fear of God in me! I immediately called the Mac computer center in Pune to make sure they would be open the next day. Then I called for a car to pick me up in the morning. I did not touch my computer again. On the way home I saw the National Cadet Corp's 406 cadets had arrived at Meherabad. Every few years they come to Meherabad for around ten days. They train in the ample space of outer Meherabad while staying in Hostel-B. During their time here, they always do a project; such as clean up the trash, etc. Thursday 6 September. The car picked me up at 6:00 am. On the way to Pune, I tried to call one of my daughters to inform her I was going to be without my computer for a while. Well, my cell phone said I didn't have that service. I thought I had applied for everything except roaming. Now, I will have to go into Ahmednagar Friday and see what the problem is about. There were three other residents in Pune. I stopped at the German Bakery for breakfast, and two were having breakfast also at the German Bakery. Later, while at Dorabji's I ran into the third resident. Many of us like the same places. I left my MacBook at the Mac computer center and returned to Meherabad. I was home by 4:00 pm. When I take Foundy for a walk, we go out back. Often the cow herders are around. I try to keep my distance. Well, a black and white cow decided we, or Foundy, were too close and started to chase us. I dropped Foundy's leash and told him to run! I took cover behind a large bush. Foundy stopped running and turned on the cow. The cow didn't like it at all and left. Friday 7 September. I did my usual morning things, and then caught our bus to the Trust. I went to BSNL to ask why I didn't have International calling, since I applied for it. Well, apparently, after they turn your service on, you have to go back to the office and fill out a different form, then have it and the other information they want all notarized. I tried to take care of the stuff, but finally turned to the Trust for help, and got it. One of the workers even took me to the courthouse. At last, five hours later, I return to the BSNL office and showed the notarized documents to the man in that department. He said it would take a few days to turn it on. In the afternoon, Bhau came to the MPC and gave a talk in the Hall at 4:30 pm. It was my brother and sister's birthday. They are fraternal twins. I called them to wish them Happy Birthday. There was another big storm at night. Saturday 8 September. I was up the hill around 5:30 am. It seemed to take me forever to get up there because of all the mud. I cleaned Baba's Cabin Room and then went down the hill to clean the Jhopdi and Table House. I went to the MPC at 10:00 am to give the Historical Tour of Meherabad. There was a group from Russia waiting. At the end of the Tour I finish at the museum up the hill. There was a woman and her son from Korea also wanting to see the museum. In the afternoon at 4:00 pm, tea and a snack were served on the verandah of the Music and Arts Center. Then at 4:30 pm a film "Riding Solo To The Top Of The World' was shown. The director, a Baba lover from Mumbai, gave a brief talk before the film. In the evening, just before I took Foundy for a walk, he was barking and barking. I looked out my window and saw a horse going around our compound. When I went back there, the horse ran to another part of the area. I left it and took Foundy for our walk. By the time we returned, the horse had finally found his way out. Foundy was fascinated and went up to the horse to bark. The horse just ignored him as it walked away. Sunday 9 September. I woke later than usual. When Foundy and I went out walking, we had to pass all the cadets training. They were in several groups in different areas we passed. Again there was a lot of rain last night so lots of mud to be careful of. I went up the hill by 8:00 am to do the Archive cleaning of the Samadhi. Sometimes I clean on Friday, and sometime on Sunday, depending what is on my daily schedule. One of the hill dogs is in heat, and male dogs were hanging around. All these unknown male dogs naturally don't want to go away, but are a problem because some are not friendly. After cleaning, I went to my room for breakfast and then got a ride to the Retreat for the 11:00 am meeting with Retreat volunteer Supervisors and the Meherabad Trustees. During a break in the meeting, tea and a snack were served. This was our first meeting since Jal had gone to the hospital. I borrowed my neighbor, Marge's, computer to rewrite the Meherabad Diary for the 16th-31st of July. I spent two hours writing, and then returned it to Marge, as she needed it. I will just continue Tuesday, since Monday I am at the Retreat for duty. Monday 10 September. I was at the Retreat by 9:00 am for my Reception Office duty. I had nine expected arrivals and we only had 23 pilgrims at the Retreat. In the morning at the MPC, one of the pilgrims, Caroline Ball, shared her story of being part of the creation of the 'Heartland Center' in Prague, Oklahoma. This Center is located close to where Baba had his automobile accident in America. In the afternoon, Bhauji came to Meherabad and gave a talk in Hindi to the National Cadets Corp, in our Music and Arts Center. His normal talk at the Meher Pilgrim Center was cancelled. Tuesday 11 September. There was a big storm during the night. I did my morning stuff and then borrowed Marge's computer to continue rewriting the last Diary. Boy is it a lot of work-sometimes-whole paragraphs disappeared because I accidentally pressed the wrong key! Or, the curser was all of a sudden someplace other than where I wanted it. At 5:15 pm I started to walk up the hill for my Samadhi duty at 6:00 pm. With so much mud, I knew I had to give myself plenty of time. I had barely left the house when it began to sprinkle. The wind was blowing, and before I even got to old Mandali Hall, it was pouring. I had to tilt the umbrella to keep the rain from soaking me. I stopped at old Mandali Hall and sat on a bench, hoping the rain would let up. It was pouring so hard everywhere that the water was making little rivers. After ten minutes of waiting, it became clear to me that the rain had no intention of letting up. So, taking a big breath, opening my umbrella, I tried to find a good place to start walking. Since there was no area where there wasn't a puddle, I just stepped in one and kept going. I got to the Samadhi with the upper part of me dry, and the lower part of me wet. It continued to rain through most of the Arti. Then by the time I was walking back down the hill, the rain had stopped. At night another huge storm came with lightening, thunder, and pouring rain. Wednesday 12 September. I arrived at the Retreat by 9:00 am for my Reception duty. During the day we had rain. I was finished by 6:00 pm and took a rickshaw to my room to change for the Dhuni. Evening Arti was at 5:00 pm and the lighting of the Dhuni was at 6:30 pm. At the Dhuni, the platform was wet, so no one was sitting. The line moved quickly. None of the Bhajans could be played on the harmonium and tablas because of the wet platform. Ted, standing, played his guitar while singing a few songs. We also had a Japanese pilgrim here, and she so lovingly sang a song in her language. Again at night there was a huge storm. Thursday 13 September. I was sick during the night, often running to the bathroom, with pain in my stomach. In the morning, while walking out back with Foundy, I saw a huge construction backhoe. There had been a lot of trench digging because Peter was replacing the old sewage pipe that had broken, with new pipe. I took our bus at 10:00 am to the Trust office. I then got a rickshaw and took it to the bank. Lakshmi, the woman in the Foreign Exchange department, told me the slow process had finally been fixed. She said my check would clear that day or the next. Yeah! I don't have to wait for one or two weeks. I also had my security deposit returned from Idea. I asked where I could deposit it. She said they have a deposit box that I will have to drop it in. The person who does that work only comes in the afternoon. I found the red metal box and dropped it in. All day I had been feeling dull pain in my stomach and extremely weak, so I went to bed at 7:30 pm. Friday 14 September. I had a good night of sleep, but I still had the dull pain and was very weak. There had been another big storm during the night. I went up the hill to do the archive cleaning of the Samadhi. Other than that, I just stayed in my room resting. I had called the Retreat Receptionist to cancel my Historical Tour of Meherabad for Saturday morning. There was just no way I had the energy to walk all over Meherabad for two and half hours. Saturday 15 September. I was up the hill in time for the Samadhi doors to be opened. I helped remove the cloths and then put on the temporary one until cleaning at 6:00 am. I took Darshan and then went to Baba's Cabin Room to clean. I was not feeling well, so I let Joseph and Mariko clean the Jhopdi and Table House by themselves. At 10:00 am I called the Mac Computer Center in Pune to ask about my computer. They said it was ready! I decided to hire a car and go to Pune to get it. I rested in the back seat all the way to Pune. I was so happy to see my computer again! The computer people also showed me how to use the Ipod remote on the computer. I then ran a few errands and returned to Meherabad. I found out later that Laurel, the Saturday Receptionist at the Retreat, had 48 pilgrim arrivals! Saturdays are often heavy arrival days. In Beloved Baba's sweet love, Judy