Part 1
Bili Eaton
On Monday, August 6, 1956, the Avatar Meher Baba Hospitality
Committee, which consisted of the New York, Myrtle Beach Center,
Sufism Re-oriented, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Schenectady, New York
committees and various other individuals from all over the United States,
met with Baba and the mandali to discuss finances. The most important and
soul satisfying statements were, of course, made by Baba at that meeting.
As secretary of the meeting, I was fortunate enough to record them as
excerpted here:
"I couldn't rest for one single minute last night as I was working.
This morning when I got up from my bed, I was thinking that today is
the last day to be with the groups as much as possible and I wanted to
take the group outside for a drive as I am leaving tomorrow. This
morning, something cropped up concerning finances. There is a question
concerning all the groups' expenses, receipts and balances. I want to
clear up this matter. I therefore asked for another board meeting.
"My coming to the West and all that involves was a small affair, and
the responsibility of the board is nothing compared to what Baba
intends to do in India for the great meeting He spoke about yesterday. If
there is confusion about the small affair of Baba's trip here, how will
you manage the big affair in India? There should be no misunderstanding
concerning Baba's affair there at that time.
"When Baba comes down to your level, because of the familiarity and
intimacy of Baba coming down to your level, you completely forget
about His Divinity and you forget that Baba knows every little thing. You
forget about that when you see Him coming down to your level. When Baba
inquires after your health, you forget that you must inform Baba of every
detail, but, at the same time, you also forget Baba knows everything.
"Don't worry about your children. You must take my word that God
knows everything. I am God. When God says, 'Don't worry,' you should not
worry — not give it a second thought. Suppose Baba turns His key and
there is an earthquake tomorrow and within five minutes you all vanish,
then what about your worries for your family and children? Stick to Baba's
word. Whatever instructions He gives, just stick to them. Today, I want
to clear up all about finances. All confusion must be cleared..."
1984 © Meghan Blakemore Eaton