THE DIVINE WISH TURNS THE DIVINE WILL INTO ACTIONBhau Kalchuri Though Will and Wish are similar, they operate in two distinct manners. In Creation, everything happens according to Divine Will. Will operates only in the domain of Illusion, but the Divine Wish turns the Divine Will into action. To tread the Path of Truth and go beyond happiness and suffering, the Divine Wish is required. The Wish comes because you are in contact with an enlightened one. You don't think about good and bad; you go beyond them. Thoughts become very natural to you; you have no question of thinking. You have only one thought, to think of Him. Divine Wish makes it very clear what you should do. The Divine Will is very difficult to put into action, but the Divine Wish is direct and makes it very easy for you to put things into action in order to please the Beloved. If the Wish is there fully, you automatically obey God's Will. The Divine Will is always there; the Wish changes from time to time according to circumstance. The wish makes you want to pursue the Divine. When people follow different religions, even though they are under Divine Will, they cannot put the Divine Wish into action. In order to tread the Path of Truth, you have to follow His Wish, and Divine Will is automatically put into action. Colonel Irani was following His Wish in negative form. He was remembering Baba continuously, which he could not have done unless Baba had bestowed this upon him. Colonel Irani's work was Baba's Wish. Thus it is possible to receive and execute the Divine Wish and not even know it. All things animate and inanimate obey Divine Will, but only human beings can be under His Wish. It makes you follow His Will rightly. If you follow His Wish, you automatically look after His pleasure. Divine Will is a river going inexorably towards the Ocean, taking everything heedlessly in its course, animate and inanimate. The flow of the river is continuous, but there are certain obstructions, eddies or pools, where souls can become trapped. The Divine Wish is like a strong hand pushing the soul into the fastest current in the river towards the Ocean, even though the river is always in the Ocean. What a paradox! When you follow the Divine Wish, your journey to the Ocean is very short, though sometimes the quickest channel is over a waterfall, bumping against every rock, or in a tidal current that is racing towards the Ocean at breakneck speed. Most people must undergo 84 lakhs [hundreds of thousands] of births before they reunite with God. But if you come under Divine Wish, the number of births required is reduced. Souls can resist the Divine Wish, but they cannot resist the Divine Will. There are also degrees of following His Wish. Someone who follows His Wish 100% will seek His pleasure 100% as well as obeying the Divine Will 100%. For instance, by living at Manzil-e-Meem, Dr. Ghani was following Baba's Wish. But when he wanted to sleep and Baba wanted him to play cricket, Ghani was following his own wish and not Baba's. When people are suffering, the Wish makes it possible to put the Will into action towards the Divinity, to tread the Path of Truth. Wish is that which takes the Will and gives it force to proceed in the right direction, above good and bad, towards Divinity. AWAKENINGS, pp. 64-65
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