"The nature or Tabiyat of a person after becoming one with God
remains the same, but it is expressed in a different light. Formerly in
the ordinary state a man's anger, greed, curses, abuses, were for himself
only and besides being harmful to the surroundings, they usually recoiled
on himself, because they were the outcome of his self-egoism. Where there
is ego, there is no God and where there is God, there is no room for
"But the actions and words of a God-realized man are devoid of all
egoistic tendencies and although the original characteristics of his
mind and nature do persist in him after God-realization, they do
nothing but good to the surroundings whenever expressed. Hafiz has
Khatiram waqti havas kardi ke binam chiz ha
Ta tora didam na daram juz badidarat havas.
"The couplet explains very clearly 'that it was ingrained in his nature to
see different and various objects; but on seeing Him, he now does not want
to see anything else but Him'.
"It only means that the desire of his nature to see things was still
there. In the early stages of his humanity he wanted to see and enjoy
variety of things and objects, and now he wants to see God only.
The desire of seeing remains the same, but it is now shorn of its
"Likewise the habits of anger, abuses, beatings, etc., remain ingrained in
a person even after his becoming a saint, but a colossal change takes
place in its expression. Whenever and on whomsoever it is expressed or
expended, it results in nothing but good to the recipients thereof, since
there is no personal motive behind it.
"When a saint is in the most perfect and peaceful internal state, or
that some internal working of his is nearing completion and success,
there sometimes occurs automatically an overflow of the internal state
externally. The external outburst by a saint is the shadow of the
internal perfect state, and is radically contraindictory of the Bliss
within and consequently in its outer manifestation it takes the form of
abusive language, beatings, etc.
"But whoever receives these ego-shattering blessings from a Master in
the form of abuses and physical chastisement, is very lucky indeed and
undoubtedly a good deal of benefit accrues to him especially in external
"Now you people since your connection with me is settled and determined
from Roz-e-Azal (the first day of creation) and which connection no
power on earth can alter or modify, you have no need of these outbursts in
the form of abuses and beatings. Even when it occurs you should not mind.
During the course of my spiritual working very often the cup of my Bliss
overflows and I desire to share it with the fortunate one nearest at hand."
1975 © Avatar Meher Baba Poona Center