Symbols of the world's religions



Arnavaz N. Dadachanji

Only Baba's grace could have sustained Mehera through those first difficult months at home in Meherazad without Him, as she remained immersed in sorrow. Not only was she missing Baba's physical presence, but she often berated herself for not having done enough for her Beloved, and she deeply regretted that some members of her family did not recognize Baba as God.

We continued to try to console her, and when she asked me, "When will I go to Baba?"

I would answer, "You will, Mehera, but first Baba wants you here. He's left you behind for a purpose. Baba has given you so much love; now it's your turn to show others how to love Baba."

Mehera was standing near her bedroom window looking out into the garden one day in July when she suddenly noticed that Baba's face had clearly appeared in the bark on the trunk of the tree directly in front of her. She couldn't believe what she saw, so she called Mani, and the two of them confirmed for each other this wonderful event.

When Baba's image appeared on the tree, she found great consolation in gazing upon this tangible sign of His Presence. With this image Beloved Baba was beginning to draw Mehera out of her sorrow, for only if she were happy would she be able to share her love for Him with others.

Six months later Mehera wrote the following message for all of Baba's lovers. Despite her heavy heart, she read it aloud at the first Amartithi (the anniversary of Baba's dropping His body) on 31st January, 1970, to those gathered outside the Samadhi:

Beloved Baba's very dear lovers,

Beloved Baba was love, He is love and He always will be love.
Beloved Baba for His love for us, His beloved children, has suffered and given of Himself.
We must love Him more and more to be worthy of His very dear love for us.
Serve Him by spreading His message of love and truth.
Love Him above everything.
Love and live His words.
Beloved Baba has warned us to hold on to His daaman.
Whatever happens, this is very important.
He is the Beloved God-Man....
May we all be true to His beautiful love for us and His trust in us.
May Beloved Baba bless you each, His dear ones.

Jai Baba!


GIFT OF GOD, pp. 199-200
1996 © Meherazad Trust for Avatar Meher Baba


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