Symbols of the world's religions



Bhau Kalchuri

The ship docked at Yokohama on the 26th [January 1935]. Baba and the mandali went ashore at 7:00 P.M. and went to the Grand Hotel, where the Thomas Cook office was located, to inquire about their passage from Hong Kong to Colombo. Due to Baba's "restlessness" they did not spend much time on shore. They got down at Kobe, also, at 8:00 A.M. on the 28th and went to the Cook office again about travel arrangements. (Baba was considering flying to India from Singapore with one of the mandali.)

After sailing from Honolulu, Baba informed Chanji, "There is one soul I want to contact on this ship." The next day, Chanji went down to the laundry room to iron Baba's pants and met a wealthy woman named Margaret Scott. She narrated a troubled life, saying that she was desperate and now thinking of divorcing her husband. She had seriously contemplated suicide. Chanji told her about Baba, who later sent word to the woman not to get divorced. Chanji talked with her for a few minutes each evening and she became eager to meet Baba in person for she sought his blessing.

Baba agreed to see her on deck when he disembarked in Shanghai on the 30th, if no one else was around. When Baba came up, she was surrounded by people.

To her amazement, they all dispersed and she had her precious few minutes with Baba. He consoled her and blessed her by making the sign of the cross on her forehead.


LORD MEHER, Online revised ed, pp. 1668-1669
1995 © Avatar Meher Baba Perpetual Public Charitable Trust


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