HE WHO HAS MUCH TO ANNOUNCEC. B. Purdom Unless it is the Word, in Baba's sense, the noise that breaks the silence is ignorance. When he breaks his silence, he says he will speak one Word, which will 'go to the world as from God, not as from a philosopher, it will go straight to his heart'. Why the Word is not yet uttered we do not know, except that he is waiting for the moment. It will mean much, for after all these years of silence he will be bound to speak to the point. Indeed, he says, his Word will reverberate for seven hundred years. He has to choose the time because of the danger of men hearing what exceeds the possibility of what they are able to hear: it might destroy the balance of mankind. In Francis Brabazon's Stay With God the following statement by Baba is contained:
As the Word will be an inner word, heard by the inner ear only by those able to hear it, those who, in Goethe's words, can bear 'the living and instantaneous revelation of the unfathomable', they will know that they hear it and what they hear. Baba told me in Poona, in November 1962, that he would not after 'speaking' resume speech in the normal way. He is reported to have said (in Bombay, November 1936), 'My active and intensive work will last for twelve years after my speech'. It seems, however, that the speaking may have something to do with his end, for he has said that his speaking and his manifestation will be one. We cannot know, for he does not, in this matter, speak our language. What we do know can perhaps be expressed in some aphoristic lines of Nietzsche:
THE GOD-MAN, pp. 413-414
1971 © Meher Spiritual Center, Inc. |