Symbols of the world's religions




Kitty Davy

During the first two weeks of Baba's stay at the Center there were no private interviews with the general public. Baba wished to be in seclusion and His wishes were obeyed.

Bessie Graham, Elizabeth's long-time cook from Youpon Dunes, was asked to care for the needs of the four Eastern women mandali. After the first few days, Baba chose to dispense with the chef in the main kitchen and said He wished Bessie to cook, with help for washing up, for everyone — about twenty-five in all.

Of course this number varied from day to day as Baba asked this one and that one to remain on. I for one looked askance at the suggestion, but Elizabeth with complete serenity remarked, "Whatever Baba plans will always work out for the best." Elizabeth was told to tell Bessie who, with her habitual smile and good nature, agreed to try. Meals were delicious, served on time, and all went well.

At this time we were vegetarians, eating an egg occasionally. Rice and dal had been our staple foods in India, along with fresh green vegetables. Baba now allowed fish every other day. As Baba once said on this subject:

"I allow vegetarians to follow their diet and nonvegetarians to eat meat, fish, etc. I do not interfere with any religion and permit all to follow their own creeds unhindered. When faced with love for God, these external ceremonies have no value. Love for God automatically and naturally results in self-denial, mental control and ego annihilation, irrespective of the love following or renouncing these external adoptions."

During this visit, many met Baba for the first time. Among these were Filis Frederick and Adele Wolkin. Both were asked by Baba to stay at the Center from the second week up until the time Baba left for California. I will quote from their first interview with Baba in the Lagoon Cabin. Baba spelled out on His board:

"I have heard so much about you both from Elizabeth, Norina, Donkin, and Margaret, and I heard you from within, that I feel very happy that at last I have seen you. . . . When you know Baba you will love Me like a little child. I am a child, a grown-up man. I love humor, I love to tease and work hard here and at various places while talking to you now. Do you love Baba honestly?"

"Yes, Baba!" both replied.

"What can I do for you?" Adele asked.

"What more can you do for the Beloved — I want love, nothing else! Love Me and let God love us. That is what I want. When you love Baba, God will love you and God's loving means everything. So Baba is very happy. One who really is the humblest of the humble is the greatest of the great. But it has to be in all honesty, in all truth . . . so let us love, love, love; all else is illusion. So Adele and Filis, what more can you do if you really love Me?"

1981 © Meher Spiritual Center, Inc.


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