Symbols of the world's religions



Bob Mossman

That Baba was often thinking of William [Donkin] is reflected in a call he received in October to meet his Spiritual Master at midnight between Bangalore and Madras [Now Chennai, capital of Tamil Nadu] when Baba was returning from Negapatam for his meeting there with mast Chatti Baba. Adi Sr. wrote to William about the meeting on October 16, 1942, "Since your writing to Baba longing deeply to see him ... Baba has decided to see you at Jolarpet. This trip has been arranged expressly to see this very loving doctor as he has put it."

"I met him at Jolarpet station at midnight and was with him until 2 a.m. Baba made the deviation off his route specially to meet me. He said that 'we must die for God, while others die for their country.' Baba was in an excellent mood and we strolled about the station in moonlight together.... Such occasional meetings with Baba are really very satisfying indeed — a sort of deep thirst is assuaged." William left Jolarpet at 3 a.m. and arrived back at Bangalore at 7 a.m., making the above diary entry the same day.

William's yearning to be permanently in Baba's presence is reflected in his October 11, 1942 letter to Adi Sr. from St. Martha's hospital about the possibility of seeing Baba again soon. "If it were a real call which must be obeyed, I would come without permission and damn the consequences."


SLAVE OF LOVE, pp. 79-80
2012 © Robert Stanley Mossman


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