PUSHING A BUTTON ON THE REMOTE CONTROLBal Natu I sometimes think fancifully of the finial on top of the Samadhi as an antenna which receives our hearts' call and transmits the love of the Ancient One. Our calling on Baba is like pushing a button on the remote control, and the channel that is changed is within us. It is not only that a connection is made, but the very pushing of that button selects a frequency within us, fine-tuning us so that our thoughts and feelings are increasingly centered on Him. Thinking about Avatar Meher Baba's presence in the Samadhi and the various events connected with His life gradually slows down the mind and gears life to a different rhythm. Then the heart begins to sing the song of the Avatar's glorious love, and a joy unknown and inexpressible begins to enliven one's journey to the Source, the Eternal Bliss of God. THE SAMADHI * STAR OF INFINITY, pp. 64-65
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