Bal Natu
Baba returned to the Travellers' Bungalow and the mandali to
the school building. After our previous night's vigil, most of
us decided that first we wanted to bathe. There was no
question of having any rest, for at 7:30 there was to be a
procession through the streets of the town, escorting Baba to
the darshan pandal. And sure enough, soon we saw a crowd
arriving, some singing, some dancing.
Baba was requested to sit in a decorated car and the rest of us
walked behind. Some Baba lovers continued to dance, some
sang Telugu songs in praise of Baba, while a group of
devotees cried out heartily, and often, "Avatar Meher Baba Ki
Jai!" Women carrying their children in their arms struggled
through the crowd to get close to Baba so He would bless
their children with His touch.
It took approximately an hour to return to Dhanapathi's
house. The darshan program began with Ramjoo reading out
an editorial Filis Frederick had written for "The Awakener", a
part of which is given below:
This February, on the twenty-fifth, according to the
Western calendar, Meher Baba will be sixty years old.
But the real BABA can never grow old; the real BABA
is eternal. Who is this "real BABA," whom he says we
have never seen?
This "real BABA" is our Real Self. . . .
"There have been Buddhas before me and there will be
Buddhas after," said Gautama, predicting the greatest
one would bear a name meaning Mercy. Meher Baba
means Father of Mercy. "Whenever there is a decline of
virtue and a resurgence of evil and injustice in the world,
I, the Avatar, take human form," said Krishna.
Our namaskar to Him Who Has Come Again ... The
Awakener Divine!*
In response to the various recitations, Baba conveyed:
The more you try to understand God, the less you
understand Him. How can He, who is beyond all
explanation, be explained? His being infinitely simple
had rendered Him infinitely difficult. The secret is that
you have to become what you already are.
You can know Me as the One in you only when the veil
of separateness is lifted. This can be done only if you
love Me honestly and wholeheartedly....
There can be no compromise in love. It has either to be
full or not at all. I say with divine authority today that I
am the Ancient One and the slave of those who really
love Me. Lose yourself in Baba and you will find that
you eternally are Baba.
Baba then had His special birthday message, which He had
dictated before leaving Mahabaleshwar, read out and it was
later translated into Telugu for the two thousand people
assembled there. The message is:
I am never born, I never die. Yet every moment I take
birth and undergo death. The countless illusory births
and deaths are necessary landmarks in the progression of
man's consciousness to Truth a prelude to the Real
Death and the Real Birth. The Real Death is when one
dies to self and the Real Birth is when, dying to self, one
is born in God to live forever His eternal Life
Although I am present everywhere eternally in my
formless Infinite State, from time to time I take Form.
This taking of Form and the leaving of it is termed My
physical birth and death. In this sense, I was born sixty
years ago and will die when My Universal Work is
Your celebrating My shastipurti birthday today with all
your love, enthusiasm and zeal has deeply touched Me
and makes Me give you My blessings for the ultimate
understanding that we are all One; that God alone is Real
and that all else is false.
As the Telugu translation of this message was being read out,
for a while Baba sat on the ground. When He returned to the
dais. He conveyed that He had sat on the ground to make all
feel that He, honestly, was one of them. These words thrilled
the hearts of the spellbound audience. But even more than His
words, Baba's presence, a subtle sense of bliss and love,
seemed to sweep over the crowd. What a supreme birthday
present for each it was different yet the same, a portion of
His pure love.
Still, some may wonder how the Birthless One can take birth
and how the Deathless One can drop His body. How can
Infinity descend into a finite human form and yet
simultaneously experience the Infinity of God? Jean Adriel in
her book on Meher Baba's life, Avatar, writes:
Perhaps it is because our own human nature is still so
unredeemed that some of us deny a God who dares to be
human. Yet, logically, a Perfect One, whose work is the
redemption of mankind, must be perfect in his humanity.
He should function with all the powers of the human
being raised to the nth degree.
Whatever the human mind may conceive as comprising
the fulfilled personality, he should have: that inner
beauty which expresses itself as grace, charm and
compassion; that inner poise which gives detachment
and a sense of humor; that inner joy which expresses
itself in work and in play. He should be human as well as
God-like; and he should at all times express the ecstasy
and peace of God. Otherwise the "Word made flesh" is a
contradiction in terms. God, to be God, the incarnate
Avatar, should be Master of all masters and masteries.
Such a Master, Baba is.**
At about 10:30, all stood up and one of the mandali began to
recite Baba's arti. To the amazement of all, Baba
straightaway took the arti tray with the burning camphor on it
and waved the tray Himself to the assembled masses while
arti continued, as if Baba were performing arti to His own
Self in all.
At Meherastana, on February 10, which happened to be
Baba's sixtieth birthday according to the Zoroastrian calendar.
Baba declared His Avatarhood. In Andhra, on February 25,
Baba's birthday according to the Western calendar, Baba
authoritatively declared that He is the Ancient One. And more
than that, that He is the slave of His lovers. On His sixtieth
birthday, Baba brought God to the world and declared, "I
have come."
The Avatar's love is always present on earth and He eternally
exists in His formless state. But His physical incarnation, as
the Avatar, has a special role to play in awakening humanity.
The significance, for humanity, of Baba's sixtieth birthday
was His open revelation that the Avatar once more was on
earth and waiting to receive all who come to Him. No one
else in the world is able to give such a gift of pure love which,
once received, can never be taken away.
Some of this is expressed in a poem written by one of my dear
friends and co-worker:
Marvelous is the mystery of the Avatar's incarnation.
Everywhere on earth, in everything, in all creation
He is born. And at every moment we have the chance to
Experience consciously His eternal life simply through
Renouncing ourselves this "death" is His birth celebration!
Because God exists, we exist. He is our only True life
And yet, enslaved to form we "live," knowing only strife,
Bondage and despair, until His love illuminates our morn
And our heart's radiance proclaims once more "He is born!"
*The Awakener Magazine, vol. 1, no. 3, p. 3
**Avatar, pp. 94-95
1987 © Avatar Meher Baba Perpetual Public Charitable Trust