God is your innermost self.
To find God is to come to one's own Self.
-- Meher Baba
1. Be with Baba
2. Freedom Manifest
freedom structures : past present
freedom structures : present present
freedom structures : future present3. Darkness Divides , Light Unites
4. The Fingerprint of Nearby Explosions
BE WITH BABA to the pure and well perfected ones
who vibrate in the firmament
like stars in the clear night
hear my sincere mind pray for the love gift
which is my natural state
and help me , o compassionate ones , to achieve itlet my disharmonious mindwaves
be transmuted into wisdom with energy
and let a smile rise from my heart
at the sight of living beings who surround me
in the sufferings of ignorance
who do not look to you for the light of freedomlet my body , speech , and mind
assist you in the company of pure lovers
to purify the mindwaves of the impure
and open the doors of heaven to all sentient beingso compassionate ones , calm the disharmonies of my spirit
and transmute them into love
and let the vibrations of love
flow from me in an unending torrent
like clear streams from snow mountain
and join the serene waves of the ocean of trutho supreme lovers , show me the errors
that i may more clearly discern the path
and tread there with firm step
and pure heart unerringly united with truth
for i have experienced your precious light
and delight in no otherhelp me discover immutable love for my fellow creatures
for you have shown me that love
is the greatest spiritual power
far exceeding the miracles of mind-matter
even as the great buddha says with every word
and all pure spirits sayo great lovers , free me from the illusion of self
that binds me to matter
for you have shown me that one is free
when one realizes there is no one to be free
and freedom is lovelet me broadcast the vibrations of love with such force
that others may take energy from me
and thus come to perceive your pure lighto fathers and mothers ,
acknowledge the sincere mind of your son
freedom structures : past present
1945 is the year one , nagasaki , hiroshima .every mind coming to consciousness since that time
acquires a certain knowledge of the planet's death .the force of this knowledge naturally forms a structure ,
the central structure , around one's actual use
of nuclear fire to destroy human life -- all life --
the unavoidable knowledge that numerous mass death
machines are -- not only conceived , designed , assembled ,
aimed and loaded , but -- fitted with trigger buttons
on some desk at which human beings sit in perpetual readiness
to destroy the greater part of all life on the planet .minds structured before the nagasaki hiroshima detonations
did not learn from the experience because those minds
are uniformly structured to prevent learning from experience .minds structured with a knowledge of the planet's death
turn away from it as unnecessary and unnatural .
one observes the planet and discovers it makes things grow .
one sees that it is without fault ,
that it is ample , just and beautiful .
one naturally desires to imitate the planet .
out of sure knowledge that a few machines can destroy it
comes the overwhelming new mind dimension in support of life .
call it a new or reawakened area of mind .
call it life-mind . how to live ?the pre-1945 mind -- as a natural growth
of the last 3000 years of western experience --
is an elaborate death structure . death-mind
has an unavoidable need to impose its arrangement
of knowledge (read : understanding of the universe ,
mind or will) over other living beings .
it is a fear-weakened mind
which encounters experience by force and by repetition .
for death-mind , earth is a place of constant dying .
death-mind's every activity from perception through action
is a locus described thusly :
this mind collects the wrong information --
often little more than market price -- and organizes it
into static structures very like categories .
it is prevented from collecting essential information
out of its own experience by its culturally inherited inability
to trust itself . for the western , knowledge is secured
from an expert who is always someone other than oneself .
in addition , the category structures are artificial
and static (dead) so that they can not contain
accurate information about living beings .
both the information itself and the connections made
in categorical structures are false , must be false .
extra-categorical information is never collected ,
being unrecognized and , in the west , feared .
what do you fear? the unknown !in the unknown which is vast , lives the divinity .
it is feared despite all evidence to the contrary ,
evidence of the life supporting energy of the planet itself .
fear of the unknown , inherited from romans
though the death-centered assumptions of their laws ,
death-centered universe perpetuated by the roman church .this mind despises changes : every change must fit neatly
into a familiar structure or else threaten the stability of all .
despising changes prevents growth ,
fights against the very nature of growth .
one sees the romans mounting endless legions to subdue
and 'romanize' their neighbors , legions to control
the people , legions to control the legions . control .
fear . no viable religion . no viable art .this change-despising mind , prevented from going within itself
by the enforced rules of its artificial environment
(read : culture) , goes outside itself and imposes its will
over the planet through the use of the powers at its disposal
-- repetition systems possession death fear guilt
war commerce power profit -- through the medium of machines ,
which are a natural formation of the repetitive mind .
more than 100 years' exposure to repeating machines
only exercises and strengthens death-mind's habit muscle.
the widespread killing done in the world today is mere habit
killing coming from no authentic activity of the mind .
mindless killing . mindless fears . vague unknown reasons
long forgotten in centuries of hate , guilt , death ,
exploitation , pain and privation for the many ,
unsatisfiable gluttony for the few .what is the evolutionary effect of several thousand years
of constant warfare in the west ?
what system or structure is worth preserving
if it endangers all life that exists and will exist
on the planet ? habit killing . the time of killing is past .
life-mind . how to live ?is it necessary to lay out this dead mind
in its many permutations of fear ?
a distribution system which assumes that all men are dishonest ,
and makes them so .
a judicial system that assumes it can judge men's actions
and make things 'right' by punishments : death and cage .
a governmental system that assumes it knows
what is best for its individuals and exploits them
on an endless wheel of consumption and production .
a religious system that assumes the religious experience
belongs to time past and uses a vast punishment structure
to ensure it remains in the past .western philosophy , which in recent times is a germanic
(read : fascist) mind structure , investigates various death
or fascist approaches to the planet , fascist because
(again : always) they are systematic , categorical and imposed .
jean-paul sartre does the massive and ironical work
of bringing that labyrinthine mind structure to its final point :
freedom , which he calls existentialism .
there can be no 'classical philosophy' after sartre .
freedom . freedom from what ?
from 3000 years of hate structures , kill structures ,
power structures , possession structures ,
freedom from 3000 years of mind activity within a universe
where reality (the truth) looks like :
at this point one can talk about the romans
whose how-many-thousands of years leave traces
of few authentic poets and evidence of no religion
beyond polecomil power (political economic military) .or the persecution and destruction of alchemists ,
saints , heretics and specifically anyone who does not accept
and spread the official pattern .or view the 'growth' of the western mind as continuous decline
from a peak at the time of the parthenon in athens ,
walled out of itself and made terrified by the roman mind ,
brutalized and made repetitious by machines
and the consumption of products .or talk about education , rote learning , brutalizing the mind ,
false knowledge , and always an extreme limitation
in ways to determine and encounter the truth .
punishment learning . discipline . grading . true-false questions .
the american style university fails because
the student must answer the university's questions ."thought without affection makes a distinction between good
and evil , just as it does between body and soul" , observes blake .
from aristotle to the end in mindless destruction ,
the mainstream mind has been capable of nothing more
than thought without affection -- not surprising considering
the artificial structure and the prohibition against self
knowledge . greeks vaguely remember self knowledge
with 'know thyself' . but they early lost the ability
to know themselves . they lost understanding of the odyssey .
plato misunderstood socrates ; aristotle understood neither .or about death-mind's need to invent time
in order to fix mind forms , to attempt to create
a static state of mind to serve as a temporary armistice
with the experience of occupying a body on earth .
no changes . just as one's government always says or implies :
we've looked into the 'problem' with expert thoroughness
and our experts' considered opinion is to preserve
the status quo at all costs .
or the growth of the western attitude toward possession
and the organization of society based on it ,
the unbelievably relentless attempt of a small number of
possessors to create a distinct race of non-possessor servants .or the enslavement of women and growth of inability to love ,
helped along by tireless and pointless condemnation of the body
we all appear -- miraculously -- in .
western mind acts within a false control structure
which prevents one from gathering accurate information
about oneself or one's mate .or about the 'renaissance'
which gave renewed force to roman patterns and assumptions ,
digging out the old documents and treating them
with scriptural respect . aristotle implies mass death
in the structure of his mind , and westerners blindly
act it out , generation after generation . historically
those who refuse to act out the roman universe uniformly
follow socrates into the execution chamber.or about the collapse of western institutions ,
all of which are some aspect of polecomil power .
is it likely that the western universe will survive leaders
for whom 'the problems of the world' are insolvable ,
suicidally destroying the polecomil structure ,
its machines and its properties ?one has to arrange for one's survival together
in various groups already well into collecting information
about how to live . how to live !
freedom structures : present present
uncountable is the number of evolutionary crises
faced by life on this planet in its long trek
from sea to land , acquiring hoof , claw , wing and hand ,
coming down from the trees , becoming upright ,
perfecting a life-support chamber for the mind to occupy ,
and in most recent time expanding that mind
to encompass the force of nuclear explosions --
willful man-made destruction of the planet and its life .
whatever happens on the exterior happens with equal force
in the interior , nagasaki , hiroshima .
proliferation of those machines literally blows the mind .
the alteration is structural and permanent ,
an evolutionary circumstance just as remarkable
as the evolutionary difference between claw and hand .senseless , blind destruction of the planet is now
a quality of life on earth , and it modifies the mind
in exact degree to its energy , as every quality of earth
modifies the mind . this particular modification is
a turning away from death toward life -- a motion of the mind
which takes it far beyond the death-worship mind of the west .
it is life-worship mind . it can be nothing inferior
without bringing the planet to total destruction
in less than one human lifetime.for the western mind , any changes , differences
or unknown factors are frightening experiences
that it rectifies by destroying , avoiding , proscribing ,
punishing , never by joining and transforming
as is natural to the free mind .the long cycle of death-worship is finally broken
by the actual achievement of death for all living things
whenever scheduled by central authority .
the mind changes , and along wit it
both the planet and evolution themselves are changed .
the planet becomes again the garden which it has always been
for all living things except man .evolution , which darwin saw organized around the energy
of survival , can be viewed as survival of the fittest
only if survival is constantly threatened .
the organizational energy of survival is desire :
desire to survive provides the energy .the organizational energy of evolution through the periods
studied by darwin is desire to survive .
and so today it remains desire . once survival is ensured
the rhythms of mind become life supporting
as they are with the post-nuclear-massacre free mind .when survival is unchallenged , other desires come into force .
man's body becomes a protean entity for his mind .
over a period of time he can mold it as he desires.when survival ensured by the nature of relationships
between living beings , whatever is genuinely desired
-- cellularly and consciously -- by the great number of people
-- comes about over the requisite period of time.it appears that one cellular and conscious desire
common among men is the wish to fly .
with survival ensured , mankind enters the age of angels .
we grow wings . ancient wisemen who speak of angels
see naturally that the life-worship mind
moves inexorably into heaven on earth .minds which did not learn the lesson of life
from the great nuclear massacres
or by the accumulation of some other energy
do not comprehend the nature of recent events ,
nor understand a free mind :
explanation and illustration are hopeless .many minds in the past have know
and occupied themselves with the coming of this age :
homer , cervantes , twain , shakespeare , blake , whitman ,
all the prophets , alchemists , mystics ,
and all the great artists of western history .
freedom structures : future present
freedom party . in place of the state , no state .
death-mind state wields polecomil power by engendering
and enforcing numerous laws . ten million american laws
and millions of gun explosions fail to enforce
the ten commandments . most 'criminals'
generated by the roman system are obviously not criminals .
they are ignorant , frightened , bitter , ill , deprived
human beings . they have never experienced freedom ,
never experienced love . how does one judge a man ?
how does one judge a universe ?the rule of good laws naturally comes to a violent end
by its failure to support life on the planet .
how many evolutionary crises have been met and used
by living beings to produce you , the reader ?
to meet the present crisis , the mind moves its attention
from good laws to good men .
with good men and women there need be no law ,
there must be no law .
no outside authority can dictate the truth
of a mind's encounter with the living planet .
one is free to act out one's truth to discover in fact
where truth lies . one is free . one must be free .
truth is beauty . a free society works by natural law
that never prejudices against beauty , with relationships
between living beings naturally arrived at,
and status in the society self-evident as a matter
of an individual mind's energy and accuracy .the first state of being is childhood ,
ended after twelve or fourteen years by puberty .
it is a time to acquire viable personal habits ,
to discover the physical universe ,
a time to master the tools of communication ,
a time of love and freedom .
the period closes at puberty with a sexual-religious
initiation and advancement into the state of being
of those who mate .mating is free and personal , without external marriage
ceremony unless created by the lovers involved ,
who form groups of any size or composition .
the second state of being belongs to investigation
of the body and pleasure , producing children ,
learning about growing beings .
these people live on the land and make things grow ,
crops , animals , children and themselves .after a number of years of sexual freedom ,
one discovers that the body by its very nature has limitations
which the mind does not share . one moves away from body
and enters deeper into mind , curtailing activities
of the body in order to expend that energy in mind .
this decision of the individual mind makes entry
into the third state of being in the society ,
and the demarcation between those states is indistinct
and non-binding , depending only on the energy and accuracy
of any individual mind .people in the third state of being work with their minds
in a yogic manner to train themselves for freedom .
their yogic work has to do -- in so far as it has anything
to do with society -- with matters of distribution ,
communication , transportation , public facilities
and many such matters as have been recently carried on
unsatisfactorily by commerce as profitable activities .a yogic work is any work transformed into play ,
done with such freedom , thoroughness , truth and love
that it leads the worker to understand and experience
the pure nature of the universe .
any work done properly without attachment is yogic .certain minds working yogically in the third state of being
attain enlightenment , or freedom , and this event
marks entry into the fourth state of being .
the activities of enlightened beings , in so far
as they have anything to do with society as a group ,
concern justice -- only enlightened being refrain
absolutely from judging .
except for the demarcation between states one and two ,
brought on by the body's maturity ,
there is no outside compulsion to move from one group
to the next . many never move out of the physical group
until the body fails from age . others move quickly
through that state with little interest . the majority
of people are found somewhere within the third group
when their bodies wear out . considerably fewer
acquire extraordinary spiritual powers and freedom ,
automatically regrouping with men of similar powers .
such groupings of course are not spatial , except
where spatial grouping fill some natural requirement .nowhere in society is there room for jobs or duties
that humiliate and brutalize human beings ,
especially through endless repetition .
the means of industrial production is being organized
and reconceived so that no job is brutalizing .
more than that , each job shall be instructive in some way
in the areas of the natural world , physics ,
and how society produces manufactured things it uses .factories and industrial plants will be far fewer
as the number and quality of produced articles becomes
unrelated to the war-commerce-power-profit manner
of human relationships . with every job instructing
and in so way enhancing the human being ,
the industrial means of production is an educational activity
belonging to the school system . an enlightened factory
is a perfect educational experience for school children
who move on to puberty and other activities as they mature ,
avoiding repetition and allowing fresh minds
(incoming students) the occasion to learn .
adults in the third state of being concern themselves
directly with the yogic work of keeping
educational environments truly educational .
the free society has no tendency to cheat it young minds ,
understanding that to cheat any living being
is to cheat oneself in like degree .
the production of food falls naturally to people
who are making life , the second state of being .
the majority concern themselves with the many aspects
of food production and animal raising .
they are sensual , life sensitive people in close contact
with the physical universe , their bodies and generation .
many are craftsmen , although the majority of craftsmen
come in the third state of being .in free society , possession as known in roman times
is unheard of , and money is not used as the means of exchange
of wealth . the planet and its objects do not belong
to anyone . they exist . they are used and shared .
it is a failure of communism not to provide a truly fresh
attitude toward possession , communism being ultimately
just another version of capitalism .
as far as money is concerned , a 'promise to pay'
is made directly , good man to good man ,
involving no printed proof .no employment , no job in the society humiliates ,
brutalizes or reduces the human spirit .
the very concept of work is ultimately related
to the development and growth of the human mind .
every employment must be instructive and uplifting .
those jobs which cannot be converted into yogic work
are done by machines , or not done at all .
a free society makes no compromise on this issue .
everyone know that men are exactly as their understanding
of their experience makes them .one does not necessarily foresee the various arrangements
which will grow among free people in the daily workings
of free communities , but one sees clearly
that he 'business' of the planet will be simple
yet vastly more complex and satisfying
than in recent times (3000 years) .problems -- the problem-solution approach to the planet
being an old western mind trait now discarded --
do not exist !
the train to kathmandu
passes through a village named
at the twilight hour when people leave fields
and smoke gathers in the valleys
between house wallsthe flesh is always healing
everpresent wounds
of a day among thingstwilight trees embrace each other
and watch the halo'd palm
balance his curved spine ,
the phallos of glory aroot in sandy yoni ,
from the inside , shiva-shaktiit is not my hair , that flag
that waves against our eye ,
for the presence
touchesthe light goes out
and lights
come on
to remind what the eye forgetsthe dog lies down to sleep
among insectslet us not talk overmuch ,
rather reserve that energy
for other voices , all the feeling
in the eye to speak , all the speaking
in the fingers to touch , all the touching
in taste and smellthe sculptors of nepal
transform mountains into architecture"whatsoever your hand finds to do ,
"do that
"with all your mightthe people attend movies and still
they don't understand
illusionomens abound
from athene in the net of christ
on easter weekend
to bird-clouds
peace doves
and sacred phoenix
giver of divine lawthe god within has purpose
in every action :
our differences are
our ways of ignorance
measure for measuresome heaviness weighs ,
the burden of self
making demands
and idle distinctions ,
fear and tremblingwhat moving presence disturbs peace
with a veil
of separations , falsely dividing
the surroundingswhat mind action works poison
into the gatherings of eye ,
stunting the whole
organismwhere has gone the not-caring-that-frees ,
the not-caring-that-disturbs-not-the-flow ,
ankh mindsome thought poisons love
some thought rides through on a beast of destructions
some mind rhythm slays lovewhat weariness , to pass judgment on others
dusty weather with clouds
can't see the pure
white boned peaks
beyond the valley ,
the high lands
of pure consciousnessmorning birds sing , sitters in the sun ,
shadows , dry faces ,
full baskets going into town ,
few coming outthe season of kathmandu new year
after rebirth in lhudi's tomb
below the hum-along dome ,
the new year of gift wavesthe teaching : whatever vibration
you receive , let it strengthen
the love rhythmthe mind observes the point of attention
creation and destruction :
in a bus in banaras the vibration comes ,
creation creates destruction
destruction creates creation
in a bus on earth , find love for the oneour days of the myth's working out ,
our continuing days of myth ,
new testament
dharmai thought i'd conquered anger ,
put anger-violence away as a breeder
of pain and spawner of itselfblessed the sour monk for half an hour ,
aimed the mudra of peace at his head
to free milarepa from a locked cavesaw the workings of pattern in maria's
outburst flow of money fear
and my misuse of it
while indians restrict the forms of kindness
and the possession vibration resoundsanger aside , i played through the pattern
and spoke my peace awareness :
"deficient in love , i'd said
"deficient in love , she says
while the bug of some disease
eats my wisdom ,
angry marpa
dwells in my head
and the angry zen master
up and pulls her hair with a boot on the ass ,
harsh speech , demands , action --
put down
by the boatlord who comes through the window
blowing kissesconvalescence
balance experiences : monastery and matajiany one of us is a medium to manifest
the powers of universe
by non-opposition to them ,
by letting them flow throughanimals are eaters -- thus the body
integrates into the earth around it
in a flow of elements ,
earth , air , fire , water
and ether (mind , space , voidmountain shadowed pool
equally lucid in every partgreen jungle of weightless floating
overlighted in fluid sky ,
rippling fall of milkwhite foam,
body of the water godthe creature does not escape the presence
of creator ,
giver of all , all giftthe creature receiveth om :
to become giver becomes godness ,
to become vibration through which passes all
things , all energies harmoniously
becomes godnessfirst i discovered free will
then i discovered god's will
"as you supremely desire , so shall you bethe voice of the flesh-father
blows like dry sand
through the mind-universethe people disport themselves
in strange untruth waysfloating waters of downtrek sun ,
the illuminated river flows into darkness ,
our eyes turn from the splendid ray
to the x-ray darkness of shining void ,
and the matter of all authentic loversthe moon dies from light , is reborn
great spirit is the authority of cause and effect
great spirit is the love of like for like ,
the gravity of all beings" love without shadows stirs now
beginning to awaken
as night
advances " wcw
after each death one rediscovers oneself
in greater detailwe must forgive our fathers and mothers
for the ignorance they bestowed on us
and forgive ourselves the ignorance ,
knowing the unity of father-mother-child
as the love-web of all living beingbetween the one who gives and the one who receives
a third is born : the gift"whosoever saves a single life is as if he had
"saved the whole world ;
"whosoever destroys a single life
"is as if he had destroyed the whole world
says talmudeuphoria
euphoric wisdom
a degree of love
a stage of knowledge
what drug could jet one out of the natural world ?
out of what nature into what other ?seekers and finders installed within
seekers and finders without
weepers and keepers installed within
weepers and keepers withoutis forgotten what community ridgepole
the wise man , the freed-of-earthly-desire ,
the sprung-from-systems , the non-mechanical ,
the exhibitor , teacher , focus and source of loveoverlooking kathmandu at the eyes of swayambhu ,
any city in the valley , any structure
nestled against the flowing life of any streamgovernment buildings and residences ,
the temple crowded square ,
company roofs
and the beach of indestructible roofs
of those whose manner is not profitableall this is training
from the road winding between houses
to the company of stacks
poisoning the free airall is training submerged in its essence
can't go alooking ,
for that makes it
among the absane ( absurd insane obscenemagic maya forgets me
into point of view : my point of view
creates me as a separate entity
and creates the time i take place in
morning air , morning sky
morning shadows nearbymorning sun on the walls
liquid light runs and fallsbirdsong flutes overhead
morning words freshly saidall the actions begin
hand , wing , hoof , claw and finmorning wakeup in the mind
morning light cures the blindmorning motions rediscover
morning mind is the lover
the black cat pats by on the patio , a universe
by whose rule , what law ,
appearing near midnight , travelingdo the people believe only in habits
and consciousness the sea breeze
blows a full-rigged vessel
blown through the mind of phaiakia
at the speed of thought
accuracy and energy
full of treasurewhat treasure laid on odysseus
by king strongmind and queen virtuethe double cage of what we think
you are
and what you think you arethe single legged flamingo
concentrates on balance with his head ,
mobile head , gyro mindfeels free to be beautiful
this golden pheasant .
china . whose soul returns to earth
feathered in color , handless
without the tool of grabbingall the animals in the zoo
avert their eyes ,
by bars and wire . unfreethe birds with all their beauty and balance
chinese birds
with hoods and haloes
of gold green ,
they lack the limbs of acquisitionthe chimpanzee jumps up wide-legged
and pulls his rubber snake
up down around
and tucks it in his groin as he sitshe grabs me in the eye and holds on
to what the tigers with crossed paws
dropped their furry eyelids onbleary-eyed sky
the lost child is blind with grief
the sky is blurry without relief
the heart is bloody without belief
the world is barren for the thiefhow to give , how to live
with these hands ,
the shame of knowing what they've done
to the earthelectric fingers
ten tongues
to taste creationmind water fire air earth earth air fire water mind
in the west , only machines learn
the code of nearby explosionsodysseus , don quixote , tom sawyer
what gift
asurge in the artery of knight
krishna , the song of karma , noitu love
what wealth ?wherever one is ,
all is there .
forms . to perceive the forms ,
to delight in them ,
not preferringas the energy
of speech forms sound , song , sentence
so the energy
of matter brings forth all thingsmother shakti ,
she beguiles him into the act of
multiplicationmeanwhile christ vibrates on the wall
in light
around a pair of eyes nailed through the handit is not suffering i see
not suffering that engages me
in the gaze of christ ,
world traveler
treader of these eastern paths ,
but shantiand the swami's first lesson ,
arms extended :
forgive them
for they are ignorant , and
forgive also
yourself , for the same reason
nailed through the handprecious eddie , eight fingered ,
to the chimpanzee :
" what're yeh tryin' ta do ?
put yerself on ?
that's the cage "
hunkered down like a short legged bird
on his houseboat in banarasthis is man's godness
that he may not depart from truth
of god , by god , for god
shall not perish from this earth
like tagore , which they call me
in certain crowded apartment houses ,
i come before thee as a singer
and reacher of divinity ,
for it plays
around my head like spring clouds
at the will of the elementsi remember your beauty
and the form of it
against skies as blue and spacious
as my concentrated soul
and i called you athene of wonders ,
male-female , armored peace-maker ,
tenant of the akropolis of beauty-wisdomancient , ancient
the gods do not change with fashioneye of beholder
eye of heaventhy beauty fans my cheeks
like the soft wings of the phoenixno longer count ,
aquiver on the raw air :
are everywherethe clock turns , the age advances .
one glimpse of you , divine couple ,
wipes from my mind the concentration of death
bespoken by homer .
i imagine the market places
filled with disciples of odysseus
penetrated into crossroads ,
the wine houses , the places of assemblysocratean elders proclaim the law of mind :
"o see that plato does not understand
his master ; see also
that aristotle misunderstands"energy of voice wasted worldwide
on illusion ,
vision of worlds
created by that power
in the medium of truthfreedom ,
an end to the separation of idle distinctions
between matter and spirit
in the smooth flow of balances ,
in the whirling balance of the circlesunday in banaras
brush stroke clouds
forming and reforming
what matter
that i see no brush
when i know it is therefreedom manifested
freedom to see , not to see
amid the distractions
for everything is thee , and not theeinfinite are my lives for i died
in paris , athens , teheran , benaras
and in love of you
am i reborn , born and born ,
cosmic familymother-sister-daughter
father-brother-sona man not look
within his mind for a month
sees strangely
when he seesas for memories ,
consider the flowers every morning
with petals spread along the walks
or the sky seldom looked at
in the desire for something "ineffableand then to meet the mother
with the power of true motherhood ,
having never seen a mother ,
the skill about her heart and handthere are rishis in the teahouse
thus i dare not close my eyes" pisces : the light of the world ,
this is the light , revealing
the light of life itself .
it ends forever
the darkness of matter " aabto express the presence
of abundant perfectionsto voice the rhythms
of nonstillness sound thingsfather-mother , one sees one ,
rain is the seaeach man inventing his forms
at each moment ,
truth is the abundant powerthe noun is illusion
often upon a to timeagain , oh again the flight of gulls
to me lives on many sides
of to boat upon ganga ,
to river as god the planet doesto mahogany smoothly to peoples'
shapes , shine
to curve and shine not to curveto light alights from ganga
burning not to make ash
or to white candlesounds the to people lifeshape
while sounds also to buffalo
to bird to insect to dog to boat
to water to holy city nearby
and to sound otherlyto eat fruit when god
the to sun
is everywhere and
to sit not to perceive
yet to be onepoint
neither soaring with wing reaching
the points of the cross
nor skimming over the margin of earth-water
but manoeuvering like gray flames
among the holy rooftops and battlements
of banaras
the image : skill and unity
of elements ,
for the bird is air
and the air is bird ,
without distinction
air flows into wing
wing into airoh creator of the fly's phenomenal eye !
oh maker of the seeing and seen !
your clouds draw my eyes for messages ,
the text of inbetween mirroring both above and belowa - earth
u - firmament
m - heavensthis morning a golden wonder over the white writing
before the sun lifted breathlesslyoh beings of love , instruct me
in the immaculate laws of union
"to attain true spiritual success
thou must also attain true love
for thy fellow creaturestrue love proceeds from the divine heart
and plays upon the spirit
like a great musician
generating the harmonies of concordmay christ return to earth
to shed the gleaming rays of love
on all beings .
may i be christ myself
as a harmony with my universe
and the creatures of affectionthe greatest spiritual power
is to awaken the tones of love
within others ,
to give birth
to harmonious contactnow do i regret the chances i missed ,
the advantages i took over others
knowing and unknowingly
in the illusion of same and otherthe smell of ocean pervades the wind
over ganga today ,
fluorescent skymy mind turns and twist
in the agonies of learning
those ancient laws that man
has forgotten by opposing
the earth and its creatures
as if he were a separate
entity risen from elsewhere
where god resides notlisten to the hum of love
from where else can i come
when the very universe itself
is the body of god, the divine flesh ,
i am within it ,
it within me ,
he-she , union , harmony .
is dissolution in separationlisten to god's plan
and see how i do fight my maker ,
my very makings , the very stuff
from which i am madeevery tree is god , a god form
-- see that
and a sky full of fish forms ,
the everchanging .
a man
who sees sky
cannot believe in institutionsgod's play : i am sky ,
fearless , the pure world , spirit ,
fruit-heavy tree of life
moving upward , inward .beauty also inheres in gross spirit
as in light and shadow
as in earth , as i stoneuniversal life
the sun bobs up on beams of light ,
the smile of god
who lives in all things as energy
as spiritover the ganga falls a cool light ,
the nectar of sunrise
"to bathe in the silver water
at the moment of sunrise
fills one with nectar ,
bhagwan das
applying delightful hands
to the drum headsthus i swam
thus i bathed in nectar
unfathomable juice of shiva
home of prehistoric dolphins
and nectar spreads through my limbs
pooling in my brain ,
the divine substanceoh god of heaven in all things
oh father-mother
let us unite in vision and wisdom
for i sit on your palm
and gaze into the depths of your eye
with longing for the knowledge that burns there
in full radiance
omniscient , omnipotent , omnipresent
all-pervading master of what is ,
balancer of the wonder force of naturegreat spirit
take my body , take it :
it is the home of magic maya , the desirer .
too long has this body catered
to the desires of separation , pulling apart
with wishes and appetites
that come to nothing in the face of great spirit
who moves not , yet contains all movementnight and day , the yin-yang of earth ,
each following the other around earth
in perpetual sunrise and sunset .
sky ,
blue and black , unmoved .
magic maya
Our home is everywhere
since we are the children of God
and He-She is everywhere
living room planet
and forces
and love , the field of forces ,
triune body-mind-spiritour body-mind-spirit is feeling the joy of God
feeling meaning as
the body of contacts ,
the mind of freedom
and the spirit of loveour mind is the one body of cosmic family
our mind the one mind of all mind
our spirit the love of creator for creationThis screen , this five dimensional screen called "i"
lends over the gleaming facets of mind
to God the One
and thus knows who "i" is"i" is the One in its many facets
no facet less than whole
everywhereman" ego is first impression "
says father eternal soul
that multiplies points of view
into the conflicts of illusion
: magic maya :
and deathfinding out what my karma is
is my karmaSalute the variousness of One
growing manifold branch
of one air
varied and resolute
in plant idea and animalcatch the brightness of other worlds
as mind speeds over the waves
of quick seaknow me any way says Great Spirit
know is yesparamahansa yogananda brings
the flow-through love of babaji ,
the current of love-will ,
he the everluminous battery ,
thou , sweet receiver , the light
and "i" the wide wire ,
knowing battery , light and wire as Onelove this planet
into the next dimension
with the gathered love-consciousness of bodywho is all this beauty for ?
the squeal of tortured animals
evokes a chinese mansion
in the pleasant mountains
of God knows what incarnation ,
voice of the arrow that spins
through twelve axheads ,
the decapitated skulls of past deeds
: mexico reports a highway full of dead bodiesHe-She is the joy of seven rays
He-She is the motor over smalltalk
He-She gets down from a white horse and takes up the bow
He-She allows himself to take the shape of chimes
: the vibration of temple
produced by every harmony
: the congregation of lovers
searched in ways to express affectionMothers have always known
in their secret hearts
the power that destroys their sons ,
the anti-love of sad necessity
that spoils the seedthe human body is the form of love in matter ,
as every mother knows
by the joy pains of long birth
and the father is male mother
energized by desire to unitebutkara : the knowledge of pure lands
went under a wave of concrete power ,
to wet the deeds of everybody's cornfield
taking the energy of enlightenment
from electric coin bullets and greedstupa locus
dream spot of unbent eye body
uncoiled limb of the mountainous eye shape
pure land of love vision"stopped awhile to wait for Allah .
Allah showed ,
over the brown body of shadows ,
too real , he said ,
JULY 1969 AD
WE COME IN PEACE FOR ALL MANKIND7th month , year of yin-yang anno domine
we come in peace for all mankind
express the intelligent eyes
over a mouth of downdrawn fearwhat the eyes see
mouth cannot express
with the impure mantra of the third worldcan see the conflict
without resource of harmony
to conduct the life symphony of tuned instrumentsstupa locus of body
stupa locus of mind
stupa locus of heart
"double happiness"
the three-pronged plus of shiva ,
creator-preserver-destroyer , yab-yum
and three-bladed oar of poseidon ,
mahaguru of odysseus the knower7 wheels of consciousness
realized as 5 , 5 pointed star ,
man , woman
connected in 3 ,
body , mind , heartthe 3 of man and the 3 of woman
connected in love
6 pointed star of evolution ,
overlapping planes of synthesis ,
thus "double happiness"
realizes the symphonic landthe sunset of here
is the sunrise of there ,
one massive colors
broken into a billion billion eyesEarth , water , fire , air , love
five attitudes toward form
five attachments
five bodies
smell body
taste body
sight body
touch body
hearing body5 pointed star
for Great Spirit is five attitudes toward form
for Great Spirit is the very secret of numbers1 the Oneness of Great Spirit
2 enjoys by division into many points of view
3 the physical , mental and spiritual bodies
4 in the medium of matter
5 through the manbody of five attitudes toward form
6 by evolution
7 of the cosmic vibratory structure
8 to infinite
9 love consciousness
1 of the Oneness of Great Spiritthe wheel of opening consciousness
zodiacal yoga of love bound solar systemsWE COME IN PEACE FOR ALL MANKIND
7th month of the seven wheels
year of yin-yang
anno domine , "after Christ
who comes in peace for all mankinddoes not depart from peace mantra
does not depart ,
"second coming
being a matter of attention ,
a point of view