Symbols of the world's religions



Mehera J. Irani

Since our very first stay in Meherazad in 1944 Baba had taken us girls for long walks in the surrounding countryside. Baba was always happy when walking and climbing, for He loved it so. Sometimes Baba called the girls at Meherabad to join our excursions for the day. One time Baba took all of us on a climb up that big hill behind Pimpalgaon Lake. We all gathered at the foot of the hill and watched as Baba began to climb. Then we, too, climbed up, and what a lovely sight it was to see so many of us following Baba up that hill. At the top we had a bird's eye view of the lake and the countryside, and we found not only a spring but the most extraordinary thing up there — the ruins of an ancient building. This hill must have once been inhabited.

On another day we had a lovely outing visiting a tomb on a nearby hill where it is said a Perfect Master is buried, and Baba has also taken us to Khandoba Hill, the hill with a Hindu temple on it that is very close to Meherazad. I am not good at heights, and in one place on that hill I felt very giddy. Baba turned around and gave me His hand. "Don't be afraid, come on, hold tight," Baba told me. And He so sweetly guided me in such a way that my giddiness went. Baba did not go into the temple itself, but stayed on the outside. However, Baba has blessed that place with His Presence, and how fortunate the villagers are who worship there and make a pilgrimage there at one time of the year.


MEHERA, p. 185
1989 © Avatar Meher Baba Perpetual Public Charitable Trust


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