Symbols of the world's religions



Meher Baba

The real help to all mankind is to help men to divert the human consciousness as much from pain as from pleasure, and everything non-lasting, to the eternal experience of the Divine Oneness. That is because until the human consciousness is completely transformed into Divine consciousness, there can never be a lasting solution of the endless problems before suffering humanity.

The more comfort and pleasure are available to man, the less are the chances for a sufficiently strong urge on his part to give up experiencing even the temporary happiness of name and fame and riches so as to devote his full consciousness to experiencing the original blissful freedom of real existence. Greater the binding, the greater the chances for the quickest relief by actual experience with full consciousness of one's own original freedom once for all.

The often reported expressions of pity for the starving and the down-trodden are a pitiable expression of ignorance, as the pity is based on the inherent denial of the everlasting freedom of the self. There is no truth in the popular myth that only the well-fed, well-clothed and well-educated people can think of or find God.

On the other hand, rich and resourceful people are comparatively more handicapped with the bindings of temporary self-satisfaction over their comforts and resources than those who feel themselves bound with dissatisfaction and disappointments over their growing wants and needs.

Most definitely, God loves the so-called destitute and helpless people most, and the greater the helplessness, the greater should be the dependence upon God for His help, which can be said to be always more eager to be given than it is wished for....

Selfless love should spring out of the understanding of the fact that by achieving the full human consciousness, every human being has arrived at the threshold of the same Divine Oneness, and that each man and woman does possess a truly equal spiritual opportunity of achieving that Oneness of spiritual freedom, which is as perfectly complete in the one as it is in the other.


MEHER BABA ON LOVE, pp. 213-215, ed. K. K. Ramakrishnan
1978 © Avatar Meher Baba Perpetual Public Charitable Trust


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