The Perfect Masters enact their roles; Avatar becomes the part he plays
For our unveiling; just as in a play well put together for our enlightenment,
A real play concerning some episode in the life of an Avatar,
An actor is a carpenter and is making a table and acts his part perfectly,
Or another actor for the duration of the play becomes, and does not
Know himself as other than, a carpenter. So Baba became helpless
And prayed to God to help him; and with God's help annihilated his mind.
And when mind was gone, his Old-Life of Knowledge, Strength and Greatness
Abided; but he kept also (by his own act of keeping) the ignorance,
Weakness and humility of the New Life: then was he Himself and us
At the same time. And so there arose in him Life, free and obligationless:
The life of Master and Servant; of knowledge that we are all eternally One,
Indivisible and Infinite in essence, but separate through ignorance;
Life of strength in Knowledge and weakness in binding desires.
And this led to the tripartite life of complicated-free life in which
Bindings dominated freedom, full-free life in which freedom dominated
Bindings; fiery-free life wherein both freedom and bindings were consumed
In the fire of Divine Love. Now was there a complete blending
Of God-state and Man-state in which the one lived not in opposition
To the other, neither did one encroach upon the province of the other.
And the divine Truth of his realization he shared with those who sought it.