Minoo Kharas
On November 21, 1932, Meher Baba and four mandali men — Vishnu, Kaka
Baria, and Baba's brothers Adi and Jal — sailed from Bombay aboard the
Conte Verde, headed for Europe. While at sea, Baba issued this message
to the Indian press:
India is a spiritual country. It possesses the most fortunate and
unique position in the world, being the land of saints and spiritual
Masters for ages. Therefore, the spiritual atmosphere of India must be
kept up even at the cost of being in bondage and material unhappiness.
It does not matter how much India suffers so long as its spiritual
power and value are retained. Moreover, the result of its present
suffering will be freedom and happiness.
It is only after experiencing bondage and misery that the true value
of freedom and happiness are really appreciated. But to bring this
suffering to an earlier end, there must be love for friend and foe;
there must be goodwill, patience and forbearance. India should also
try to remedy its own defects instead of clamoring at the faults of
others. The hatred between the leading communities, and their petty
yet disastrous quarrels and fights, must cease; then freedom and
happiness will be assured for India.
The world will soon realize that neither cults, creeds, dogmas,
religious ceremonies, lectures or sermons on the one hand, nor ardent
searching for material welfare and physical pleasures on the other, can
ever bring about real happiness. Only selfless love and universal
brotherhood can do it.
THE GOD-SEEKER, pp. 53-54
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