Symbols of the world's religions



Meher Baba

Do you know how St. Francis of Assisi loved Jesus and became one with him? He loved him as Jesus ought to be loved; but in Francis's group there was one who was a glutton.

Juniper loved Francis most, though he did not sit in meditation or think of anything. He gave more trouble to Francis than anyone, yet he loved Francis dearly. When we love from the bottom of our hearts we give all our good and bad, even our troubles; the lover gives everything and demands nothing. I give everything and demand nothing.

Love me like that and Baba is your slave. Even if you can't do that, don't worry. As long as you are mine, you need not worry. You are mine, that is why I have drawn you such long distances. If you can't picture me, don't worry; if you don't love me, don't worry; I love you.


THE GOD-MAN, p. 257, C. B. Purdom
1971 © Meher Spiritual Center, Inc.


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