Mani S. Irani
Don Stevens
Don: So he gives you a tremendous challenge,
but he sustains you to meet the challenge?
Mani: That's right. As I say, if with one hand
Baba hits with a hammer, with the other hand
he sustains you. He's not leaving you
unsupported while he works on you. If the nut is
to be cracked, he's holding the nut in his hand.
Don: You know, this comes as quite a shock to
many young people, because after a certain
period of just being wildly in love with Baba, an
individual will suddenly start encountering not
only some of the old problems in his life, but
even some new and more complicated ones as
well. At that point many feel, 'Oh, I must have
lost my grip on Baba. How can this happen to
me? Something must be wrong with my attitude.'
They get terribly distressed.
Mani: No, Baba's only just begun working then.
The 'honeymoon' is over and work begins in
Don: The real work is beginning and the
important point, as you brought out, is that Baba
is sustaining the individual if he'll only have faith
and hold onto the daaman (trusting and obeying
him implicitly).
Mani: There's no doubt about that. Do you think
we could go through what we do and surrender
to him by any merit of our own? It is our effort,
yes, but it is not by any merit of our own that we
can completely surrender to Baba. No, it is he
who helps and sustains. It is his love it all
comes down to that it is Baba's love and
compassion which makes it all possible, makes
even our love for him possible. He allows us to
feel that we are giving, that we are serving, that
we are loving. He will even appear weak so that
we can feel we are supporting him.
An example: in that last month (January, '69)
when Baba was sitting in that chair (in mandali
hall at Meherazad), he was looking weary and
weak. When he indicated it was time to go back
to his room Eruch and Francis jumped up, each
giving Baba a hand to help him up from the chair.
I was there at the time. Baba was holding their
hands, and they were ready to pull him up when
he gave the slightest little tug, pulling them
towards him. Instantly they started to tumble
forward, doing all they could to keep from falling
on Baba. And yet a second before Baba had
looked so weak! Recovering, Francis exclaimed,
'Baba, you are strong!' With a twinkle in his eyes
Baba nodded and said, 'But never mind, help me
up,' again being weak.
That, as everything he did, is an expression of
his compassion, giving us an opportunity to
express our love in our little ways. All the time it
is Baba who supports us and holds us to him,
he who loves us, he who tolerates us. I can talk
like this now, but to begin with we too have been
raw and hard material. Now we wish we could
have been more pliable. We have learned, we
have grown to some extent but one can
never grow enough to meet Baba's love, never.
Don: So the real challenge to the individual is to
persist during the tough times. The real challenge
is to look for and find that, in fact, Baba's love is
there to sustain one, and to work through the
necessary problems involved in dissolving one's
sanskaras, with Baba's love.
Mani: There's no other way. Baba won't let you
avoid experiencing that, once you're in his net.
Some may feel afraid that they're lost, but we
must remember that while we are holding onto
Baba's daaman, he is holding our hand. Baba
never makes it easy, but he always makes it
possible. He makes it beautifully possible when
we rely completely on him. It comes about at
that point when you are no longer for your self,
but are for Baba. His love equips you to meet
life's challenges as you would want to in order
to please him.
Narrated by Eruch, Mehera, Mani and Meheru, pp. 187-188
1976 © Avatar Meher Baba Perpetual Public Charitable Trust