Symbols of the world's religions



Kitty Davy

One felt Baba's personal interest served a double purpose, for it also served as a point of contact with the doer. It seemed that through such activity one came closer to Baba. Baba overlooked no one. No one knew when Baba would be "just around the corner." This kept up a certain stimulating and tense feeling of expectancy which one immediately missed when Baba was away on tour.

To the sweeper of the compound, to the servant with her big brass water-vessel on her head, to the little boy arriving at the gate with the milk, to one and all, Baba had a welcoming smile, a touch on the shoulder, an unspoken gesture signifying, "Are you happy? Are you well?" And, in a strange way, one's frown or mood would disappear.

All Baba asked from each was a happy face and work done cheerfully. To Baba, this cheerfulness was a goal most worth striving after, a goal of paramount importance. He emphasized once that no one must expect to get happiness from others, but be happy in himself.


HOW A MASTER WORKS, p. 607, Ivy O. Duce
1975 © Sufism Reoriented, Inc.


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