YOU SHOULD BE MOST NATURALBal Natu The informal conversation continued and someone said, "Baba, when we tell people about you, they ask us what has happened to us, in our lives, since coming into the orbit of Your love. Some of us feel hesitant to relate our personal experiences of Your love, compassion and divinity, for fear that others will think we are trying to show off. But if we don't mention our personal experiences, then we are not doing full justice to Your unconditional love. So what should we do in such situations?" Baba seemed pleased at this question and assured them all that when it came to sharing His love through relating personal experiences, one need not worry about being egotistical. Of course, Baba cautioned, one should not exaggerate one's experiences for effect; one had to be honest in one's recounting and careful that the emphasis always was on Baba and not on the experience itself. Baba concluded, as long as one is sincere and earnest, He, the Avatar, would see to it that His lovers' egos do not become inflated. Hence they should not worry, but should freely share His love. Baba then went on to explain the ego's tricks in some detail, observing:
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