Symbols of the world's religions



Meher Baba

I am never born, I never die. Yet, every moment, I take birth and undergo death. The countless illusory births and deaths are necessary landmarks in the progression of man's consciousness to Truth — a prelude to the Real Death and Real Birth. Real Death is when one dies to self, and Real Birth is, when dying to self, one is born in God, to live forever His eternal life consciously.

Although I am present everywhere eternally, in my formless, infinite state, from time to time I take form, and the taking of the form and leaving it is termed my physical birth and death. In this sense, I was born sixty years ago and I will die when my universal work is finished.

Your celebrating my sixtieth birthday today with all your love, enthusiasm and zeal has deeply touched me and makes me give you my blessings for the ultimate understanding that we are all one, that God alone is real and that all else is false.

All these statements and messages can lead us nowhere in the spiritual path. Reasoning and mental conviction also lead us nowhere. Even actual experience falls short of the Highest State.

The more you try to understand God, you understand Him less and less. How can He, Who is beyond all explaining, be expressed? His being infinitely easy has rendered attaining Him infinitely difficult. The secret is that you have to become what you already are.

You can know me as one of you and one in you only when the veils of separateness are lifted, and this can be done if you love me honestly and wholeheartedly. Lose yourself in Baba and you will find that you eternally are Baba. There can be no compromise in love. It has either to be full or not at all.

I say with divine authority today that I am the Ancient One and the slave of those who really love me.


LORD MEHER, 1st USA ed, vol. 11 & 12, p. 4318, Bhau Kalchuri
1997 © Avatar Meher Baba Perpetual Public Charitable Trust


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