BIRTHDAY 1934 THE GREATEST LAW OF GODMeher Baba With love one can follow any of the Yogas most suitable to his or her temperament. It will enable an aspirant to follow the rigid principles underlying the spiritual path, and where and when necessary, makes him turn his back on worldly pleasures for the sake of union with the Beloved. Where there is love there is Oneness, and there can be no question of any particular religion or caste or system, superiority or inferiority, and touchability or untouchability. But to realize this natural quality permanently, one has to submit to the greatest law of God, which is love. It holds the key to all problems inasmuch as under this law the infinite is realized completely for all time in every walk of life, be it science, art, religion or beauty. May the world realize this highest aspect of Divinity more and more. MEHER BABA CALLING, no page number, ed. Jamshed B. Mistry & J. Flag Kris
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