Symbols of the world's religions



Bhau Kalchuri

In November 1930, Meher Baba was in seclusion at the Panchvati Cave alongside Meherabad Hill. During this period, it was arranged that the British journalist Paul Brunton be brought by Adi K. Irani and brother Jal to Meherabad to interview Baba.

On November 23rd, Baba had Jal bring Brunton to him inside the cave. Brunton had his doubts about Baba's eminence, and the purpose of his interview was to determine if Baba was a genuine Master. Vishnu read Baba's alphabet board as he dictated.

The following are excerpts from the conversation when Brunton questioned Baba about his mission. Baba stated at length:  

"I shall change the history of the whole world. As Jesus came to impart spirituality to a materialistic age, so I have come to impart a spiritual push to present-day mankind. There is always a fixed time for such divine workings, and when the hour is ripe, I shall reveal my true nature to the entire world.

"The great teachers of religion — Zarathustra, Ram, Krishna, Buddha, Jesus and Muhammad — do not differ in their essential doctrines. All these Prophets came from God.

"These Divine Ones appeared in public when their spiritual help was most needed, when spirituality was at its lowest ebb and materialism was apparently victorious everywhere. Mankind is rapidly approaching such a time.

"At present, the whole world is enmeshed in sensual desires, in racial prejudice, selfishness and money- worship. God is forsaken! True religion is abused. Man seeks life and the priests give him stones!

"God, therefore, must send his True Prophet among men once again to establish true worship and to awaken people out of their materialistic stupor. I but follow in the line of these earlier Prophets. This is my mission.

"The Prophets lay down certain rules and practices to help the masses lead better lives and to incline them toward God. These rules become the tenets of an organized religion; but the idealistic spirit and motive force, which prevail during the Avatar's lifetime, gradually disappear after his death.

"That is why organizations cannot bring spiritual truth home to people. Religious organizations become like archaeological departments trying to resuscitate the past.

"Therefore, I shall not attempt to establish any new religion, cult or organization. I shall rejuvenate and revitalize the religious thought of all people and instill a higher understanding of life in them.

"Remember, though, that the fundamental truth of all religions is really the same, because all issue from the same source — God. But the Avatar considers the times, circumstances and prevailing mentality of the people before his public manifestation. He, therefore, preaches doctrines best understood and best suited to such conditions."  

Baba then brought up a different point to Brunton:  
"Have you not noticed how all nations have been brought into instant communication with each other during this modern epoch? Do you not see how the railways, steamships, telephones, telegraph, radio and newspapers have caused the whole world to become a closely woven unit? An important event happening in one country is made known within a day to the people of another country ten thousand miles away.

"There is a special reason why all these developments have recently taken place. The time is soon coming to give mankind a universal spiritual belief, which will serve all races of people in every country. In other words, the way is being prepared to enable me to deliver a worldwide message to humanity."  

"But, when will you tell the world about your mission?" asked Brunton.

Baba dictated this poignant reply:  

"I shall break my silence and deliver my message only when there is chaos and confusion everywhere, for then I shall be most needed — when the world is rocking in upheavals, earthquakes, floods, volcanic eruptions — when both East and West are aflame with war!

"Truly the whole world must suffer, for the whole world must be redeemed!"  

"Do you know the date of this war?" inquired Brunton.  
"Yes, it is not far off. But I do not wish to reveal the date."
"This is a terrible prophecy!" exclaimed Brunton.

Baba looked sad for a moment and explained:  

"Yes, it is. The war will be terrible in its nature, because scientific ingenuity will make it more intense than the last war. However, it will last only a short time   a few months   and when it has reached its worst, I shall make myself known publicly and declare my mission to the entire world.

"After the war, a long era of unique peace will come   a time of world tranquility. Disarmament will no longer then be a matter of mere talk, but an actual fact. Racial and communal strife will cease. Sectarian hatred between religious organizations will come to an end.

"I shall travel widely throughout the world and all nations will be eager to see me. My spiritual message will reach every land, every town and every village, bringing universal brotherhood in its wake, peace among men, compassion for the poor and the downtrodden. And most importantly, I will bestow love for God."  

"What is India's future?" asked Brunton.

In reply, Baba dictated,  

"In India, I shall not rest until the pernicious caste system is totally uprooted and destroyed. When this happens, India will find itself to be one of the most influential countries in the world. Despite its shortcomings, India is still the most spiritual country in the world.

"The future will find India to be the moral leader of all nations. All great founders of religions were born in the East, and it is to the East that the people of the world must continue to look for spiritual light."  

Brunton thought this over for a moment and then said, "Europe is hard and skeptical. How can you convert unfamiliar peoples to your brand of belief? The average European will tell you that it is impossible and very likely laugh at you for your pains!"

Baba then remarked:  

"But you do not realize how changed the times will be. Once I publicly announce myself as the Avatar, no one will be able to withstand my power! I shall openly perform miracles as proof of my mission, not to satisfy idle curiosity, but to convince the skeptically-minded."  
When the conversation ended, Paul Brunton admitted that he did not understand why Meher Baba was confining himself inside a stone cave when there was a well-structured building to abide in; but he was impressed by what Baba revealed to him.

During his final interview the next day, November 24th, Brunton asked Baba, "How do you know you are the Messiah?"

Dictating from his board, Baba replied:  

"I know! I know it so well. You know that you are a human being, and I know that I am the Avatar. It is my whole life! My bliss never stops!

"You never mistake yourself for some other person; so I cannot mistake who I am. I have a divine mission to fulfill and I will do it! My manifestation will occur in the near future, but I cannot give you the exact date."  

"There are others who claim to be the Messiah," said Brunton.

Baba smiled, and then remarked:  

"Yes, there is Krishnamurti, Annie Besant's protégé. The Theosophists deceive themselves. Their chief wirepullers are supposed to be somewhere in the Himalayas — Tibet. You will find nothing there but dust and stones. Besides, no real spiritual Master ever required someone else's body for his own use. Such thinking is ridiculous!"  
Baba then commented about America:  
"America has a tremendous future and will become a spiritually-minded nation. Whenever I visit a place and stay there, however short a time, its spiritual atmosphere becomes greatly elevated   and I intend to visit America."


LORD MEHER, 1st USA ed, vol. 19 & 20, pp. 6758-6761
2001 © Avatar Meher Baba Perpetual Public Charitable Trust


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