The Shoreless Ocean of Divine Truth

An answer from Meher Baba's sister and close disciple Mani S. Irani to all seekers everywhere

DATELINE: NEW YORK: MARCH 13, 1956: Recently, the question came up among a group of people who have heard of Meher Baba, love Meher Baba and are following Him, as to whether or not it would be advisable or even permissible for them — since they have accepted Meher Baba as the Avatar and their Master — to receive an initiation from Saint Kirpal Singh (who is at present here in the U.S. A.) and/or one of his disciples. Some felt it would be an act of disloyalty to Meher Baba, while others reasoned that one can love Meher Baba and observe His orders and instructions and at the same time accept the guidance of others on the Path, since all Masters are doing the work of God and leading humanity to the Goal.

An appeal was made to Meher Baba's sister Mani Irani, to clarify from these dear ones how Meher Baba regards such a procedure on the part of those who follow Him as it is of extreme importance that all understand clearly our Master's own wishes in the matter.

The following is a beautiful elucidation given by Mani in reply and since the subject is of general interest to all Meher Baba lovers everywhere, we have reproduced it for the various groups. It is a subject that has been brought up to Meher Baba by devotees in earlier days and was made explicit by Him, therefore Mani felt confident that these explanations are Meher Baba's expressed wishes.

SATARA, FEBRUARY 28, 1956: "Time and again there have been in the West as well as the East people who have imagined themselves as spiritual guides of those seeking the Divine Goal. These have not lasted long, ending in disillusionment, for only He that is truly Eternal can disperse the darkness of ignorance. There are others that are genuine and highly advanced (as on the mental plane) who can help others to come up to their own level of advancement. Among these latter is Saint Kirpal Singh, who Meher Baba said is a highly advanced seeker on the Path. We have other jewels like Him in India, some known others unknown. These Masters of the planes should not be confused with Perfect Masters. The Masters of the planes have diffrent grades of perfection (according to the plane they are on), while all Perfect Masters who are Supreme Perfection personified are ONE in consciousness. The Perfect Master, having reached the Goal and having gained Supreme Consciousness, regain the consciousness of the planes and worlds (mental, subtle, and gross) in order to help others in the bondage of illusion.

". . . we are all one, including the Masters. We are all parts of Meher Baba, the Ocean — we as it were the "drops," the ones on the subtle planes the "streams" the advanced ones on the mental planes the "rivers" — all part of the shoreless Ocean of Divine Truth. "Meher Baba has said: Once you open your wings to fly, you must fly straight like the swan. Do not flit from tree to tree like the sparrow, or many things will distract you on the way, and the journey is long.

"We cannot benefit by following more than one Master, even Perfect Masters as they themselves tell us. Gustadji (Meher Baba's old and close disciple who has observed silence for many years according to Meher Baba's wish was formerly a disciple of Upasani Maharaj. When Meher Baba gained consciousness of his Perfecthood (Avatarhood) Upasani told Gustadji, "Leave me and follow Merwan. Hold on to Him and never leave Him." Gustadji did, and has not been to Upasani Maharaj since. . .

"We cannot follow two living Masters at once. Those who follow Meher Baba must follow only Meher Baba. Naturally we respect All others whom we recognise as His own Reflection, but we should hold on to only one (and what better one than THE ONE?). Jesus said ‘Give up all and follow Me,’ He did not say give up all and follow Peter for I am in him too. When we have amongst us the Avatar to guide us along the Highroad to our destination, need we tread the many sideroads that eventually must lead to the highroad?

"The function of the Five Perfect Masters (present at all times) is different at the time of the Avatar. At such times the role of function is to precipitate the coming of the Avatar, and they all leave their bodies before the Avatar manifests, reposing their ‘charges’ in Him who works as the Redeemer of humanity on a wide scale. The Avatar then functions alone (with also the duty of the Five Perfect Masters incorporated in Him). Upasani Maharaj said to his disciples before giving up the body, ‘I have given over my charge to Merwan. He is the Ruler.’

"Babajan (to whom Meher Baba's mother would protest for having ‘taken away’ her son from her) told mother ‘He is not your son. He is for the whole Universe. Be proud and happy, for He will twirl the world on His little finger like a ball.’

"Saint Kirpal Singh (who has a Sikh following of his own in Delhi also) came once to the darshan Meher Baba gave to the masses in Delhi (refer Eruch Jessawala's The Ancient One for Kirpal Singh's meetings with Meher Baba), and was very happy to see Meher Baba whom he recognized as Perfect. Meher Baba also liked him very much and told us so on His return. . ."

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