'The whole of existence is a circus show...' |
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![]() The Combined Diary |
Baba made all those gathered around him sing for their supper, which 'caused a great merriment at the discomfiture and nervousness displayed by most of them,' folios #271-274, June 6-11, 1926. That Sunday Baba fitted the mandali with the necessary clothes for the monsoon season. In the afternoon tea was served to everyone in honor of Gadikar's good marks in a recent exam. And in the evening they all enjoyed the gift of mangoes given by the father of one of the schoolboys. At the end of the day, Baba made all those gathered around him sing for their supper, which 'caused a great merriment at the discomfiture and nervousness displayed by most of them.' The next day the monsoon arrived in the form of severe winds, disturbing the school schedule. At a special meeting that day, all decided in favor of Gadikar continuing his education. Baba gave his favorite recipe for bhagias that week, as the monsoon continued to disturb the activities of the school. When some of the non-resident schoolboys were caught in the rain going home, Baba reprimanded Pandoba, Vishnu, and Chanji for not carefully assessing the situation. At the usual Thursday tea party, 'Baba discoursed upon spiritual subjects for hours together holding the mandali spellbound with interest and attention.' After a circus director visited Baba, he and the mandali were to go to one of the performances, but the engagement was cancelled for lack of transportation. Baba was not concerned since, as he commented, 'The whole of existence is a circus show…' For entertainment instead that night, Baba had all the mandali give lectures in the language they knew the least, which was 'immensely enjoyed by all at each others discomfiture and expense!' Part 58: The Combined Diary
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