The Ashram takes a big swing |
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![]() The Combined Diary |
Be in company with Truth and when the time comes, the Light will come in a second, folios #2v175-2v179, March 27, 1927. All the mandali approached Baba individually in the morning and reminded him to attend the marriage ceremony to take place later in the day at Ahmednagar. Applications submitted by parents and guardians of potential students at the Ashram were read out in the morning meeting. The applicants were not concerned at all about spiritual training; they inquired about such things as what careers the boys would be trained for and whether the scheduled classes (untouchables) would be separated from the other students. Baba pointed out the lack of interest in spiritual training, which was the "main aim and object of the school" and concluded that it would be better to drop the project completely. Rustomji was immediately informed to cease purchasing building materials and to stop payment on materials already delivered. At 3 PM Baba called a meeting and announced that upon "mature reflections" he had decided that it would be better after all if "the ball were set a rolling." The pamphlet of rules and regulations should be sent out to the applicants; even if only a few boys were ready to observe them, they along with the half dozen boys who were already in school there would constitute a start. In that case no new construction would be needed. The present school would suffice for their material training and someone from the mandali would be assigned to see to their spiritual training. Over time as the number of students increased, new accomodations would be built. The mandali responded enthusiastically. Vishnoo was detailed to send the pamphlets and Kaikhasroo was asked to write to Baba's mother to send Baba's brother Adi if she wished him to be "put in the spiritual line!" In the evening Baba and six mandali drove to Ahmednagar to attend the marriage of the Sub-Inspector's daughter. Arriving early, they went to Kaka's place for tea. A burly ascetic approached Baba with a request for train fare to Hardwar to visit the sacred places and mahatmas there. Baba conveyed that since he was on sacred pilgrimage it was more suitable for him to walk all over India to take darshan of the saints. The "nonplussed" sadhu slipped away without reply. Baba returned to Meherabad after sunset and treated the mandali to gestured discourses, saying among other things that there was no other way of realizing God as easy as keeping company with saints. About the "Circle" he said that there was no chance of failure; the clocks were wound, the alarms set and at the right moment they would ring whether near him or far away. But, he said, why remain at a distance? "Be in company with Truth and when the time comes, the Light will come in a second." Watch and wait patiently, like the true aspirant who waited 12 years at the bidding of his Master. Influenced by his mother's talk about worldly matters, Nisal went home. Baba remarked that he would return in the future. Chanji had a late-night private discussion with Baba about a booklet that he intended to publish. Part 127: The Combined Diary
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