Symbols of the world's religions



Ivy O. Duce

Norina related to me one time in Myrtle Beach that once while Baba was in London, he told Norina that she had two friends whom he must see. Try as she would, she could not figure out who these people were.

One day Baba snapped his fingers in front of her eyes and the faces of two women came to her mind. She said to Baba, "One of those girls is in Paris and has no money, so I don't see how she can come here."

Baba said, "Telephone Mrs. X and ask her to finance the trip."

Norina was in a dilemma because Mrs. X was an old friend of hers whose passion in life was very classical music. Norina had invited her to see Baba, and Baba, realizing that she was unprepared spiritually and extremely critical, put a very ordinary record on the phonograph machine and played it to test her. She took leave quickly and announced to Norina that this certainly could be no Master if he could not appreciate better music than that! And now Baba was asking her to phone this woman to finance the trip of an unknown person just to see him. But Norina was always quick to obey, no matter how hard the task, and to her astonishment the woman very quickly agreed to do what she asked.

The second lady whom Baba wished to see was living right in London, and Norina telephoned to her at his request and simply said, "My Master is here and would like to see you."

The lady replied, "I will be right over."

It was an exceedingly stormy night and quite a few people were gathered in the living room with Baba in someone's home. Presently the doorbell rang and Norina went to greet her friend, but the woman pushed by her as if she hardly saw her, walked right into the living room and sat down on the couch occupied by Baba.

He looked at her as if they had just seen each other a few hours before and spelled on the board, "Now, what about this man?" and she, acting as if she had known Baba all her life, replied. "Baba, it was terrible — he was a charlatan. I stripped myself of everything I had for him, and he stole it all."

Baba gave her his divine smile and said, "Yes, but it was this that earned you the right to be here with me."

Actually what happened was that this woman had met a pseudo-spiritual teacher from Australia and had given him her fortune, but while she had been mistaken in the teacher, the spiritual hierarchy had taken notice of her intense desire for spiritual training, and her whole-hearted approach had won Baba's grace.

To me this story bears out so much the admonition of the Bhagavad Gita that we should be unattached to results, because the most important thing is to keep our record and our motives pure before God. God will see to the results.


HOW A MASTER WORKS, pp. 635-636
1975 © Sufism Reoriented, Inc.


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