Symbols of the world's religions



Meher Baba

'You asked about planes', he [Baba] said to Malcolm. 'Planes meant what?'

Malcolm answered, 'States of consciousness'. Baba replied by giving a discourse on worlds, planes and consciousness, at the end of which he said:

"Let us have music. Indian music is all about love. Some of you may not like it, but I will explain. I never question about God. I put questions to you about your health and food, but never about God."

After the first record, Baba said: "This is a wonderful state of love. The lover is not concerned with the planes and the different states of consciousness. He is only concerned with God and how to love God. He arrives at a state when this love fills his world, and the pangs of separation are so unbearable that he says, 'I now want to forget you; but the more I try the more I remember you'. This torture is unbearable."

He proceeded to give interpretations of the words sung in the different records:

"Oh my beloved God, only he is fortunate and big-hearted who cannot avoid shedding tears in his love. Oh you, who are training to be lovers of God, beware; you will be shown innumerable supernatural sights of different kinds; beware; only love God and do not be ensnared by these visions and powers.

"Oh you, who love to talk of love, do you know the difficulties and hardships facing you? The Master tests you at every step on the Path of Love."

Baba asked us to say whether we liked the music. Nearly everyone said he liked it and was much moved; only I said it meant nothing to me. 'The majority has it', said Baba. 'Don't talk to me about music', he went on, 'the first song I sang has brought the burden of all this universe upon me.'

He went on to say, 'God is eternal; illusion semi-eternal. God does not change; illusion changes. Your shadow is always with you, but it changes in the morning from what it is later, and at midday you do not see it; the shadow is semi-eternal.'

Malcolm asked, 'Does God enjoy illusion?' Baba replied, 'God as God-Man enjoys illusion, but is free from it, for he governs illusion. All these are words, but words based on experience; you have that solace at least.'

Malcolm replied, 'We should have more solace if you gave us the experience'. Baba did not answer. The records and the interpretations continued:

"Here the Sufi of experience says: Oh you, who have arrived at the Goal and know the secret of God, see that you reveal the secret only to the few select ones."

Baba said, 'When Mansoor said "I am God", the Muslims got infuriated and hanged him: 'Oh Mansoor, even if you are hanged for having said you are one with Beloved God, do not reveal the secret. Oh Shamsi-Tabriz, because you raised the dead and the Muslims skinned you alive, do not reveal the secret.

'Oh Lovers of God, do not let what is in your hearts come to your lips. Remember, one who really loves God, God annihilates him; God mixes him with the dust.'

Baba said, 'This was true of the Apostles of Christ and the Saviours:'

"O Lover, beware, God tests you by being cruel, by giving you false hopes, even by cutting you to pieces. Kalyan says: The Master ties you fully dressed, hands and feet, unto a plank, throws you in mid-ocean, and says, 'If you love me, let not one drop of water touch your clothes'. Why does he do this?

"The answer is that which Peter the chief apostle was told, 'You will deny me'. Why? Jesus, in that way, took the whole burden of the world and made Peter share it. To love means to lose your whole self with all its paraphernalia: it means torture, pangs, longing, and if, despite this, one is firm in his love, he becomes one with the Beloved. What was the height of suffering to Peter? That he denied his beloved Master. This denial was to enable him to share the sufferings of Jesus.

"The lover says 'Now the effect of your love has so infinitely widened my vision that wherever I go, I see nothing but you. I know, Beloved, I shall not be able to bear your glory. Yet I am ready to die; show me your face.'"


THE GOD-MAN, pp. 249-250, C. B. Purdom
1971 © Meher Spiritual Center, Inc.


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