Symbols of the world's religions



Justice P. K. Sarkar

This is an extract taken from Justice P. K. Sarkar's speech delivered on 28 February 1960

Our Avatar has declared that He is the Seeker, the Lover and the Friend of all. He combines perfect divinity and perfect humility in Himself. He not only embraces thousands and tens of thousands when He gives mass darshan, but He bows down to them. He washes the feet of the poor, thousands and thousands of them, not symbolically but publicly and ceremonially, at the time of Birthday celebrations and also on other occasions. He even washes the wounds of the lepers and bows at their feet.

He demonstrates thereby His love for God the poor, God the downtrodden, God the forsaken. Where shall we find such divine manifestation of universal love? He has recently declared that He is the son of not only God the Father, but God the Mother also, and like a mother, He is wiping out the tears of His erring children.

How can we spare the Avatar His intense suffering for our sake? We can do so only by loving Him more and more and living and fulfilling His message of love. His message is simple and can be easily fulfilled. "Love others, make others happy, serve others even at discomfort to yourself; this is to love Me." This is all He wants. And in everything we do, we must completely surrender ourselves to Him and do it as Baba's work.

When we are happy, we should take it that Baba wants us to be happy; when we suffer, we should seek consolation in the thought that Baba wants us to suffer; and we should be resigned to every situation thinking that Baba has placed us in this situation. That is how we can love Baba and do His work.


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