Biography of Meher Baba

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On 25th February 1894 in Poona, India, Merwan Sheriar Irani was born. His parents, Sheriar and Shireen Irani, were Zoroastrians who came from Persia (now Iran). Merwan means Sun or Light, and he was the second of their seven children. He spent an active happy childhood, always did well at his studies, read widely, loved music and poetry, excelled at sports especially cricket, and from an early age was acknowledged as the natural leader among his school-fellows.

In 1913, when 19 years old and still a student at Deccan College, Poona, a momentous change occurred in Merwan's life -- he met Hazrat Babajan, one of the five Perfect Masters of the Age, and over the next seven years he also met and spent time with the other four: Sai Baba of Shirdi who was the head of the spiritual hierarchy, Tajuddin Baba, Narayan Maharaj, and Upasni Maharaj of Sakori. While Babajan and Upasni Maharaj played the major preordained roles, each of these Masters gave Merwan particular divine attributes, gradually unveiling him as the Avatar, the Christ.

His ministry began in 1921. Through their association with him in past lifetimes, men and women of varying backgrounds and religions were drawn to love and serve him again, immediately recognising him as the Lord. It was these early disciples who called him Meher Baba, meaning Compassionate Father, and ever since then he has been known by that name, or more intimately as Baba.

In a long discourse he explained that 'The Avatar appears in different forms, under different names, at different times, in different parts of the world.... Being the total manifestation of God in human form, he is like a gauge against which man can measure what he is and what he may become. He trues the standard of human values by interpreting them in terms of divinely human life....

Meher Baba founded no religion, sect or cult, but sought only to awaken people to love for God. He stated: 'I have not come to establish any cult, society or organisation; nor even to establish a new religion. The religion that I shall give will teach the Knowledge of the One behind the many...’

He did not ask his followers to leave their respective religions, saying, 'All religions are revelations of God,' but he asked them to follow the innermost core of their religion. As to himself, Meher Baba stated: 'I belong to no religion. Every religion belongs to me. My personal religion is my being the Ancient, Infinite One, and the religion I impart to all is love for God, which is the Truth of all religions.'

On another occasion he said, 'All religions are equal to me. And all castes and creeds are dear to me. But though I appreciate all 'isms', religions, and political parties for the many good things they seek to achieve, I do not and cannot belong to any of these. For the Absolute Truth, while equally including them, transcends all of them, and leaves no room for separative divisions which are all equally false.'

From 10th July 1925 Meher Baba observed complete silence which remained unbroken for the rest of his physical life on earth. At first he communicated by using slates, but ceased handwriting in 1927. Thereafter, including dictating his many spiritual discourses and messages, he used an English alphabet board until 1954, then changed to uniquely-expressive hand gestures, interpreted and spoken out by his closest mandali (disciples).

Meher Baba led an intensely active life of loving selfless service to people of all nations, creeds and castes. In India during the 1920s and '30s he established free schools, hospitals and dispensaries, personally caring for the children and the sick, gave food and clothing to the poor, spent time with lepers and mad persons; and in the '30s and '40s undertook countless journeys over the length and breadth of the continent to contact the 'masts' (God-intoxicated souls) whom he called his beloved children.

For his work he travelled extensively in India, also went to various countries in the East, and between 1931 and 1958 made thirteen visits to the West, spending much time in England, Europe and America. In August 1956 he came for a few days to Sydney and Melbourne, and in June 1958 to the property which he named Avatar's Abode at Woombye, Queensland.

Everything that Meher Baba did and said, whether appearing outwardly simple or highly complex, always had purpose and significance, and was always pervaded by his infinite love for all mankind, for all creation. His work included many important phases, such as mass darshan programs when countless thousands came to see him and receive his blessings. In particular, The New Life from 16 October 1949 to 16 February 1952 is perhaps the most enigmatic, but also the most inspiring and challenging phase for his devotees and lovers.

Meher Baba lived a simple life, did not marry, ate little and slept even less, and spent long periods in seclusion, often fasting totally for months on end. However, he laid down no rules in these matters for others, telling them that outer renunciation had little value -- what counted on the path to God was honesty and the inner and real renunciation of all forms of selfishness and back-biting. He owned no property; never handled money except to give to the poor and sick; and was plainly indifferent to ceremony and ritual, emphasising that the only real prayer was pure praise without asking or complaint. He mixed freely with one and all, enjoying their games and sports, their jokes and stories -- 'amusing incidents that arise at the expense of none lighten my burden.'

Irrespective of their belief in him, people were drawn by his simplicity, joyfulness, the absence of any self-seeking motive, and because of the loving-kindness that welled so naturally and spontaneously from him. Throughout his life He repeated, time and time again, his statements, messages and discourses about the importance of love in everyday life. Here are just a few brief phrases from them: 'I have only one message to give, and I repeat it age after age to one and all: Love God.' ‘Nothing is real but God. Nothing matters but love for God.' 'God listens only to the language of the heart, which is love.' 'I have come to sow the seed of love in your hearts.' 'Do not try to understand me, just love me.' 'I am nearer to you than your own breath. Remember me and I am with you and my love will guide you.' 'Do not worry, but love me more and more. Hold fast to my daaman (garment), whatever the trials and difficulties you may be passing through.'

On 31st January 1969 Avatar Meher Baba laid aside his physical body, to live eternally in the hearts of all. This date, known as Amartithi - the Eternal Day - is widely commemorated every year, the largest and most important gathering being at his Tombshrine on Meherabad Hill, Ahmednagar, India, where many thousands from all over the world come on pilgrimage to pay homage to him at that time, and also during the year.

Practical Mysticism
by Meher Baba
GLOW May 1996

Make Room for God
A powerful message from Meher Baba
GLOW Nov 1995

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